That's a sweeping generalization. You seem to be speaking on behalf of all of those who put party before country.
The problem with the current president is he refuses to be held accountable for anything at any time. He takes no responsibility. I cannot stand that in any human being, much less in an American President.
...Agreed,, but Clinton was poised to do damage that would affect things I value for a time far beyond her term. I do not want a SCOTUS judge who believed the US Constitution is a "living breathing document" as Sen Feinstein has advocated.
Hillary Clinton, before the entire nation, said that she regretted using a private server. She at least admitted her mistake. Trump will NEVER admit to a mistake, ESPECIALLY ones of this magnitude. That's the nature of that particular beast. He could use some quiet coloring time.
During the Iowa State Fair, Hillary Clinton was asked about whether the FBI’s discovery of top-secret emails were the laughing matter she made it last night during her speech at the Wing-Dings Dinner. Clinton once again responded that she never received nor sent any emails with information marked “classified” and said she would let the Department of Justice carry on with its investigation
You can't deflect our attention away from this horror with blatherings about Hillary Clinton's emails.
If you call Russian agents you should not be surprised that you end up on a wire tap. Plus Flynn has announced he will testify with immunity. A couple of months ago he announced the the only reason to ask for immunity is you are guilty.
This is really scary. This is really all about obstructing the investigation of any Russian connections to the campaign.