1. keep a copy of the major alarms (air/pressure). Along with probable cause and actions to resolve by your chair.
Clinic advised us in training that a general rule...if you take of a UF volume of 2.0 or more use a rate of 1.0. If less than volume of 2.0 use .5 UF rate.
Hope your clinic is generous to offer you a Nx2Me iPad. Mine is cheap! I had to to throw a fit to get them to stop giving me NON STERILE alcohol pads (made in China) and to order button hole needles with steripicks!
http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm241750.htmThe link above is a notice sent in 2011 to health professionals, clinics , and hospitals about safety issues using non-sterile alcohol pads
We were trained to set the UF rate at 50% of the total UF to remove.That usually leaves an hour plus where we are no longer pulling fluid. I have not had the clotting problems you describe.We were also taught to use chevrons to secure the needles. I do not tape the down hard of I may get bad pressures.