Taking apart and fixing anything broken, not working, was, is, still is, one of my hobbies. I mean anything, electrical / mechanical / musical / automotive / appliances / computers / and at one time even a radial airplane engine. Recent latest hobby is maintaining my own Wordpress website. Do I ever get bored, nah. Ah, the stories that could be storied. --------------------------------# 23 Talkers Harmony and the Conn StrobotunerAh yes Harmony.Now for a Talker story. Decades past while still active in field electronics, had a call to repair a Choir masters, church organ.So there I am, after the repair, with a Conn Strobotuner, all set up and tweaking the oscillators to perfection, as indicated by the strobolight.Another job well done.Same day we get a call, ‘what did you do to the organ, it sounds terrible.'Back I go, recheck with the trusty Conn Strobotuner.All is perfect and stable.Sounds good to my ear, but the lady says it ‘just don’t sound right’.What to do now!Place a call to the Conn Organ company, and speak to my engineer contact.Explain the ladies comment of ‘don’t sound right’ even with the perfect ‘lock’ of the tuning oscillators. The engineer thinks a moment, and must have smiled, as he says go back and ‘minutely ‘detune’ with whatever shows first , of a minus or positive from the strobes zero stand point, for each oscillator. Well that didn’t make sense, but what was I to do, to satisfy the ladies musical ear.Off I go, to purposely detune an organ, as suggested by the Conn engineer.I do a few of my infamous Elmer’s Tune, notes on the detuned organ, and the lady smiles, and says ‘oh, you finally got it right this time’. Sheesh.What was lacking, as I came to find out, was the rich harmonics, produced by slightly detuned but ‘almost’ perfectly locked electronic frequencies, gave nicer sounds then a perfectly tuned organ.So harmony is not necessarily the same for all experiencing it.So lesson learnt.------------------------http://www.thetalker.org/archives/447/23-talkers-harmony-and-the-conn-strobotuner/
I have spent the last 20 years collecting old australian rules footy cardsConsidering i had every set from mid seventies to 1990- each set has 132-164 cardsWhen i was 21-22 years, i threw all away, because i was too old and didn't want this crapAbouut 5 years later i decided to go and try and collect these cards again$5-$10 a card, is an expensive hobby
At present, I have no hobbies. Unless having a hot cup of coffee in complete silence at some point every day counts. Years ago tho, I use to put together plastic model cars. You know, the kind that you buy at a toy store in a small box that you put together with that strong, wonderfully smelling glue. Seriously. Anyways, I had a male friend back then that was into model cars and that's where I got the idea. Since I'm female, my female friends couldn't understand this but neither could my male friends. Why would a young woman be interested in model cars? Well, I've never been known for my patience and I'm still not but, at the time I desperately needed some patience and to stay focused. So, I figured taking a little bit of time each day to carefully piece together a tiny model car would help. And it did. By the end of the year, I succeeded in meeting a personal goal I had worked hard for and learning patience helped to get me there.