Do you mind sharing the cause of your kidney failure?
Thanks DarthI know a few things about aviation but absolutely nothing about renal failure and treatment. Any aviation queries feel free to refer them to me.
Hi cariiadHolding EU and US passports is also benificial in the aviation industry. I have heard all the horror stories about the poor working conditions and pay for aircrew in the USA. Here in australia things are very different. The money is not too bad, we have strict maximum duty hours and if you are keen to work there are plenty of jobs to had. However there is always a surplus of pilots but if you are keen and dedicated to get the first job and don't stuff up there is a fulfilling career to be had. Asia (esp china)is where they experts claim there will be a shortage of pilots within the next decade.As far as training goes, it's expensive. The military is preferred if you can get through all the recruitment. Most military jobs are very safe transport type roles and the training is free. Most pilots here in Oz retire at 65. Many pilots (including me) are forced to retire early due health issues. Every professional pilot must pass a thorough medical exam annually. Many pilots get scrubbed for things like diabetes,cardio and and eyesight. My case there is no way they will clear me to fly with ESRF. Too many issues with fatigue and cognitive judgement etc.If your so hads a dream to fly. Encourage him. I am thankful for the 20 or so years of fun times I have had in aviation. Good luck.