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Newbie : In HD 14 months now and still shocked "It got me"!
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Topic: Newbie : In HD 14 months now and still shocked "It got me"! (Read 2863 times)
Posts: 1
Newbie : In HD 14 months now and still shocked "It got me"!
December 17, 2013, 12:16:55 AM »
Hello folks. I'm Patrick Murphy, I live in Kingston, Ontario and go for haematology's three days a week for 4 hours per session on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 17:30 to 21:30!
In 1973 I was hit by a Land Rover on the left kidney side of my body which smashed my left ankle and killed about 30 % of my left kidney - the necrosed kidney began to fail seriously around October 2012 when my creatinine count went from zip to off the board and I was fixed with a central line and put on dialysis right away - I was so grateful to have my blood cleansed and for my skin to clear up and my brain to start functioning again with some real clarity; I could read with three times my normal speed and my appetite went wild - I could taste good food at last - boiled eggs tasted like the Garden of Eden and I was very happy.
No, 14 months later I'm still very grateful for the science that has cleaned me up and kept me alive but I still wish I was free of the regimen. I have not put myself on any transplant surgery waiting list as I can still bear the 'inconvenience' of the HD every week - over and over! I fear the dangers of having a new kidney fail and taking so many extra pharmaceuticals to keep the thing working and not being rejected. I am in diabetes 2 remission since I dropped 50 lbs and I really do not want to have to deal with it all over again as I have been assured will happen if I get a transplant...
That's it. I'm 65, retired, married to a wonderful woman, Hermien, we have a cat named Sally. I read and read and work the internet on my laptop. I usually arrive at dialysis with about 3500 to 4500 ml of water to remove to get to my dry weight of 97.75 Kgs. I am wobbly for a few hours until my BP stabilises over 100 systolic but I drive myself to and from the satellite unit where we dialyise in big - old- recliner chairs!
My only real issue right now is the fact that I sweat profusely after dialysis for three or four hours and it is irritating! Glad to be here. I will post questions as they appear on the topics. Glad to have found this site.
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Re: Newbie : In HD 14 months now and still shocked "It got me"!
Reply #1 on:
December 17, 2013, 03:57:21 AM »
Patrick! Lovely to 'meet' you!
Poppylicious, Moderator
- wife of kidney recepient (10/2011) -
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