Lori Hartwell has made a profound difference in the lives of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) by proving that it is possible to have a fulfilling life despite chronic illness, despite developing kidney disease at age two, and despite 40 plus surgeries, 13 years of dialysis, and four kidney transplants. Lori founded the patient-led Renal Support Network (RSN) in 1993 to promote “health, happiness, and hope” in the lives of her fellow patients. As RSN president, she travels throughout the country and to places as far away as Canada and South Africa to educate and inspire patients and health care professionals with her stories, her insights, and her humor. She is the author of Chronically Happy— Joyful Living in Spite of Chronic Illness, an inspirational guidebook for handling lifestyle and other nonmedical issues that arise in the course of chronic disease. RSN’s annual Renal Teen Prom has enjoyed local broadcast and national cable television coverage. As a sought-after inspirational and motivational speaker, she has appeared on dozens of radio programs and news programs; those experiences led her to create and co-host “KidneyTalk!”—a unique online radio talk show aimed at those affected by CKD. Her latest endeavor has been to extend her love or creativity, by launching EmbraceHOPE Jewelry by Lori Hartwell, which is a jewelry line designed by Lori and sold by and benefitting RSN; all pieces are made by people affected by CKD.
To learn more about Lori, RSN, and its programs visit
Interview is TODAY at NOON!
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/positivelyspeakingradio/2013/06/26/lori-hartwell--renal-support-network (and available for listening later, I think.)