Thanks Gerald for articulating much of how I feel about things. I have great respect for those who choose to live in particular ways according to their belief that they will eventually face judgment but I struggle mightily and am driven crazy by those who feel that the judging is somehow within their realm. If we are indeed to be judged at the end it will surely be in our favour to have treated all with kindness, including those with whom we disagree.
Further, the separation of church and state as I have mentioned several times on IHD originated in America in Rhode Island from it's Baptist founder, William Rogers and is truly the philosophical basis for the founding of Rhode Island as a separate colony.
As a student of social trends, I see the Tea Party promoting fascist principles. Perhaps they do not realize this, perhaps they are as stupid as I imagine them to be.On religion, perhaps we can agree. I see myself as a Secular Humanist who recognizes the intentions of good behavior espoused by the Bible while recognizing the fallacies of organized religion. As for quoting the Bible to support a point of debate, forget it.
Dear HemoDoc:The title of this thread includes advice to those with thin skins. If you can't handle the freight, don't drive the truck.
HemoDoc;I spoke of Tea Party actions, not policy. Policy in that group is propaganda. What the Tea Party does is what counts.The majority of founding fathers were deists, not Christians.Take any fact from my post and check it out, it is true, no doubt.Study the elements of fascism and with an open mind, you should see it. I have already list some of those elements,I know of the Texas School Board that approves text books got into a controversy about writing in conservative slants on history. The majority of members are from the Tea Party.Lincoln said government is by the people, of the people, and for the people. I believe him. So, where are those food stamps, unemployment checks, jobs bills, and why the bad position on healthcare? Is not it a Christian principle to help these people?Will the Tea Party vote for a Muslim President?Gerald Lively
Rick Santorum – today said, “If we have a system where the government is going to be the principal provider of health care for the country, we’re done. Because then, you are dependent on the government for your life and your health. […]”Margaret Thatcher – “‘The British national health care system is safe in my hands” Her comment on why the opposition was against universal healthcare; “And the reason is because most people don’t get sick, and so free health care is just that, free health care, until you get sick. Then, if you get sick and you don’t get health care, you die and you don’t vote. It’s actually a pretty clever system. Take care of the people who can vote, and people who can’t vote, get rid of them as quickly as possible by not giving them care so they can’t vote against you. That’s how it works.” She wasn’t going to take on health care, because she knew once you have people getting free health care from the government, you can’t take it away from them.The ACA system is not free, even so, Santorum’s motives may have been described by Thatcher decades ago. As far as the health care system in Britain or in any of the many developed and civilized countries that have a universal health care system, they also are not free but are paid for through taxes. Those health care systems are designed that way because those countries understand that health care should not be marketed but something that all citizens should be provided, no matter their financial status. Someone getting sick is not a time to make a profit but a time to care for him or her, as any decent civilized society should do.It is a shame that conservatives, especially those who claim the moral high ground because of their religion as Rick Santorum does, cannot understand that simple truth. Jesus certainly understood it as he was always healing the sick, wherever he went, which showed his compassion for them and his understanding that they should not have to suffer or die from being sick.Certainly, if so-called Christians like Rick Santorum truly followed in the path of the one they claim to follow, and then if they cannot display the power of Jesus to heal, they could at the very least, display his compassion.
Your post includes topics already addressed. Apparently you prefer to ignore the factual actions supported by the Tea Party in favor of propaganda. Further, the Bible does not mention socialism. One might interpret Jesus throwing out the "money changers" as an act against capitalism, but I don't believe that interpretation either. Comparing what the Romans of the time of Jesus and the plethora of prophets roaming around the countryside did, is disingenuous and irrelevant. The ACA and the Tea Party are now. Yet, you claim the Tea Party follows the principles set out in the Bible. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A little lesson in political science would demonstrate the Tea Party's choices of action are elements of fascism. That you don't see this is disappointing. Go Google "Corporatism" for a start. I have covered everything else but you failed to check these things out, or ignored them.I see that you do not respond with facts that are checkable, which means you are steeped in propaganda, blinded by the bright light of "what if", and will not permit yourself to be persuaded. Therefore, my participation in this thread is over.
I forgot to mention your debunking of Lincoln's description of government. The day that is no longer true is the day we should begin the revolution.
You are ignoring facts in favor of propaganda. The paragraph you cut and pasted makes my point which is: the Tea Party's actions lead us down the path to fascism. Look at the highlight you posted.