I am so sorry for the oh-so-incessant updates but I'm right on the edge myself now and I just don't know what else to do.
So I just spent an hour on the crisis/prevention hotline sobbing my heart out to one of their wonderful counselors, but I don't know what I'm going to do tonight except focus on trying to get on that f*cking machine. As if I don't have enough going on already. That f&cking machine.
And one important thing that I want you to think about. Those phone calls from Andy? You have said how manipulative he can be.... please consider that he is deliberately manipulating YOU! You are visibly shaken after each one. That is natural considering what you are going through, but think about that extra level.... I just want you to have some extra fortitude to help you deal with this.
I have been where Andy is now, - an involuntary patient under psychiatric care after an attempt to end my life, which was only circumvented by pure chance. I had been suffering severe depression.That was a long time ago and ultimately I came out of the experience with the tools to not only deal with my depression, but to actively guard against ever going back to that dark place. Years of working at that have given me the ability to maintain a very positive outlook on life.
I just had a thought - both NWKC and PSKC have foundations to help out their patients when in time of need. They may be able to help put down a rental deposit, for example. Help you get situated in a new home. I can check on that for you tomorrow if you'd like.