I'm all for preserving your "mother tongue," but in America, business is conducted in English and so it really should be used in the workplace. Not to mention it's rude to speak in front of someone in a language they don't understand.
Also it prevents eavedroppers (is that the right word??)
Not to mention it's rude to speak in front of someone in a language they don't understand.
Quote from: Sara on December 05, 2006, 04:16:16 PM Not to mention it's rude to speak in front of someone in a language they don't understand. I agree people should speak English. However I think it is an overstatement to say its rude to speak a language in front of someone who does not understand the language.
Hey Richard, Call the greek girls "koukla" they'll love it, and thanks now I can say goodbye in a few languages ThanksP.S Just means doll !
Her English was almost as good as his...she was just rude (she left a two dollar tip for a thirty dollar check, if that gives you an idea)
I grew up speaking two languages at home, English and German. My mother told me I must always speak only English in public, that it was rude to converse in another language, because people would assume you are making fun of them. By the way, after my Grandmother died when I was 9, I never spoke German again and I have forgotten all of it. All the workers in my center speak English, so I have no problem. But when I go to the beauty shop for my weekly manicure, it ticls me off when the manicurists talk to each other in Korean.