Hello All, I am getting ready to start PD and I have read through most of the posts on the subject. I have a question about the different ways to do PD. I keep reading about Manual and cycler and some do both. What is your experience with all three mentioned? Is one way better than the other. Can you choose to do manuals and not use cycle at all or you don't have that choice. I understand a lot about PD from reading, but don't know if you have a choice of which method you choose. Your input will be appreciated very much. Also, which do you prefer if you have done the 3 methods.
When I was on PD, the cycler was only used at night. I chose to do the manual exchanges and did not use a cycler. I used good ol' gravity. A cycler is not necessary for manual exchanges. This should be your choice if you want to use one or not as they are not required to use. Its just a money maker in my opinon. Why use something that just makes it more complicated than it needs to be. This is my opinion.
I prefered to do the manual exchanges. I absolutely hated the night cycler as i did this when I was a teen and had to be hooked up by 8pm to dialyze long enouph to be up and ready for school the next day. I felt restricted. Therefore I did the 4 exhanges per day. I was totally independant doing this as I graduated highschool, held 2 part time jobs while in college and graduated with a BS and then went on to full employment.. Dialysis only gets in your way if you let it...