... a mozzie bite. ...
I wish I could stick myself but I'm a very big baby when it comes to those needles. I put EMLA cream on my arm too. I definitly see the reason behind self sticking. For example on Friday not a single person was there that had stuck me in the past so I had new people digging around and probing trying to get the stick right. Very bothersome.
I use a tourniquet and a clamp to hold my arm. Once the needle is in you just tape them up.
I NEVER thought i would even think about sticking myself but now that I am going to do home hemo soon I will just have to , not looking forward to it but i won't have a choice , i have already asked about using the cream but it seems that they don't encourage the use of it and the thought of a local no way they hurt so I'm better off with one less needle i think. I Will keep you posted when i final get to Sydney to start.Cheers Charee