Thats for all the support....again.
Home from the hospital after a 2 night stay. The last set of labs they did on me last night said my creatinine was 1.9
Better than my normal base line creatinine level.
They did the biopsy....cause at the time my creatinine only dropped to 2.3 still not great.
This morning my doc said that he doubted it was any type of rejection because they didn't do anything to treat me for rejection and yet my creatinine dropped to 1.9 He thinks it may be the IGA messing with my kidney or I could have been dehydrated. When I left they hadn't gotten the results of the biopsy yet. So I have to call the clinic on Monday and see what the deal is.
I am just so glad to be home. Now...excuse me while I comense to drinking about a couple of gallons of fluids.