« Reply #150 on: October 23, 2011, 11:58:44 AM » |
Our information is on page 5!!
Don't take your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them here.
« Reply #151 on: October 24, 2011, 05:54:05 PM » |
 Yay I love Christmas! Here are some things I like but feel free to improvise  1.) What is your favorite dessert? chocolate anything..... except maybe chocolate covered crickets or coffee beans  2.) What are some of your favorite hobbies? Eating anything non renal post Transplant  My pants tell me its time to stop! Trying to learn how to use my new Camera. And being my kids Taxi (I will never get sick of that!) 3.) What colors do you like? red, aqua 4.) What is your favorite candy? Umm anything containing chocolate and/or sugar. 5.) Do you collect anything? Dust but I love Christams ornaments and snow globes. Old postcards or posters. Mexican pottery or jewelery. 6.) What is your style? ?? No idea? Depends on where I am going.... 7.) Allergic to anything? No, but no bath or soap products please. 8.) If t-shirt or sweatshirt : large or X-large 9.) Would you like a local item from your SS's home town? Yes!! 10.) Anything else your SS should know? I love our Holiday Gift Exchange! I am not fussy, I have loved every gift I have received on our exchange! Merry Christmas!! 
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 06:46:10 PM by Wattle »
PKD June 2005 Commenced PD Dialysis July 13th 2009 Cadaveric 5/6 Antigen Match Transplant from my Special Angel
« Reply #152 on: October 28, 2011, 09:49:46 AM » |
Remember to post or PM me when you mail and when you receive gifts. 
« Reply #153 on: October 31, 2011, 04:58:23 PM » |
totally missed the cut off this year.....  if anyone misses out let me know and will help out.
ABO Incompatible Transplant from my loving Partner 23/10/07 after over four years on the D Machine
Dialysis Sucks and Transplants Don't.................So Far Anyway !!!!!
« Reply #155 on: November 01, 2011, 01:04:48 PM » |
my package has arrived! boy is santa on the ball.  i will pat it and love it and keep it safe until dec 25 when i will ....never mind, that's just to terrible to contemplate. can i do christmas on aussie time?
s ...................................................................................... If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketchup
« Reply #156 on: November 03, 2011, 06:52:45 AM » |
my package has arrived! boy is santa on the ball. i will pat it and love it and keep it safe until dec 25 when i will ....never mind, that's just to terrible to contemplate. can i do christmas on aussie time?
 one down 39 to go.... RR
« Reply #157 on: November 03, 2011, 06:56:23 AM » |
Tape.... Scissors..... I'm wrapping wrapping wrapping.......... 
« Reply #158 on: November 03, 2011, 07:05:45 AM » |
I started working on mine last night!  It will be very special. I hope to send it this weekend, but I'll let you know for sure when it goes out! Aleta
Wife to Carl, who has PKD. Mother to Meagan, who has PKD. Partner for NxStage HD August 2008 - February 2011. Carl transplanted with cadaveric kidney, February 3, 2011. 
« Reply #160 on: November 03, 2011, 02:39:13 PM » |
Mine is sent.  Should arrive next week. 
« Reply #161 on: November 03, 2011, 02:52:00 PM » |
Still have a couple of things to collect for mine but will be sending soon.
Think GOD doesn't have a sense of humor? HE created marriage and children. Think about it! LOL!
« Reply #162 on: November 03, 2011, 03:41:41 PM » |
i plan on going shopping this weekend for this.... hopefully!
"Imagine how important death must be to have a prerequisite such as life" Unknown HemoDialysis since 2007 TX listed 8/1/11 inactive LISTED ACTIVE! 11/14/11 !!!
« Reply #163 on: November 03, 2011, 04:23:46 PM » |
I've got most of my bits and pieces together. One item I was looking for isn't available until closer to Christmas, but I can't wait that long because I have to get my gift in the mail; it has a long way to travel! In a quandry...
"Eggs are so inadequate, don't you think? I mean, they ought to be able to become anything, but instead you always get a chicken. Or a duck. Or whatever they're programmed to be. You never get anything interesting, like regret, or the middle of last week."
« Reply #164 on: November 03, 2011, 05:50:42 PM » |
I have all mine and hubby's stuff bought and am going to mail it on the weekend!!! Should arrive long before Christmas!!!
Don't take your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them here.
« Reply #165 on: November 03, 2011, 08:27:24 PM » |
I mailed mine today. Post Office says it should arrive Tuesday. Hope my recipient likes my gift... its so hard to shop for someone you never met, but so much fun  !!
Caregiver to husband Chris, NxStage 11-2009
« Reply #166 on: November 04, 2011, 03:03:18 AM » |
its really hard when they dont tell anything personal about themselves! lol
"Imagine how important death must be to have a prerequisite such as life" Unknown HemoDialysis since 2007 TX listed 8/1/11 inactive LISTED ACTIVE! 11/14/11 !!!
« Reply #167 on: November 04, 2011, 10:03:21 AM » |
its really hard when they dont tell anything personal about themselves! lol
then they're just stuck with whatever you send, aren't they? 
s ...................................................................................... If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketchup
« Reply #168 on: November 04, 2011, 11:29:57 AM » |
its really hard when they dont tell anything personal about themselves! lol
then they're just stuck with whatever you send, aren't they? 
Amen to that, Gramma... Gothic, if your person hasn't given you any clues, well a surprise gift it will have to be!... Don't worry yourself about it... I'm sure that whatever you send with love will be appreciated... I know that's how I'd feel... Well, besides a packet of nuts that is!....  Only 50 days until Christmas!.... Happy Christmas to all... Darth...
Cared for my late mum, Elsie who had Kidney Failure... Darling mum died on July 15th 2014... May her gentle soul rest in peace....
« Reply #169 on: November 04, 2011, 06:53:10 PM » |
What some SS's do is ask another member to ask the recipient what they would like.
"To be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own ...but that which is based on faith"  I LOVE my IHD family! 
« Reply #170 on: November 05, 2011, 01:17:22 AM » |
What some SS's do is ask another member to ask the recipient what they would like.
Ooooh, devious Bajanne... But VERY clever!.... Darth...
Cared for my late mum, Elsie who had Kidney Failure... Darling mum died on July 15th 2014... May her gentle soul rest in peace....
« Reply #171 on: November 05, 2011, 05:40:23 AM » |
Wife to Carl, who has PKD. Mother to Meagan, who has PKD. Partner for NxStage HD August 2008 - February 2011. Carl transplanted with cadaveric kidney, February 3, 2011. 
« Reply #172 on: November 05, 2011, 06:33:48 AM » |
Hee hee. And we thought Darth was the devious one! 

Yes Aleta.... I bacame devious from being around certain members of this site!... LOL!.....  Was saintly before I met you horrible lot!.... Love to all... Darth...
Cared for my late mum, Elsie who had Kidney Failure... Darling mum died on July 15th 2014... May her gentle soul rest in peace....
« Reply #173 on: November 05, 2011, 06:43:48 AM » |
Darth, better start polishing that halo!!  Been there done the ask another member thing!!
Don't take your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them here.
« Reply #174 on: November 06, 2011, 01:02:51 PM » |
Darth, better start polishing that halo!! Been there done the ask another member thing!!
Worn out keeping my halo polished, Del... And as for keeping my wings crisp... Well....  Only 48 days until Christmas!... Love to all.... Darth...
Cared for my late mum, Elsie who had Kidney Failure... Darling mum died on July 15th 2014... May her gentle soul rest in peace....