So this is going to be a long day ... prayers welcomed please.
Thank you for your prayers everyone.I'm at the hospital now, MIL is sleeping, and we're waiting on the social worker.She had dialysis yesterday, but they couldn't take any fluid off and they had to discontinue because her blood pressure is low. It's 80/40 right now.I walked in this morning, she opened her eyes and said, "just let me go."I feel like someone has kicked me in the chest.We're awaiting on the social worker to talk about home hospice - I think we're bringing her home today.
It's funny, we had some of the best conversations today. She wasn't mean, depression was gone ... the most accurately I can describe it, it that she's completely at peace with her decision.They came this afternoon to turn the defibrillator off - we weren't there for that, and I'm glad.Her blood pressure is still really low and her oxygen satuation ( - the ET finger thingy) is under 90 - it was in the 70s at one point.The hospice company came and dropped off the bed, commode, tray table and oxygen. We'll be bringing her home in the morning.I had a minor ... well, sorta major .... breakdown in the cafeteria today. I'll be okay though. We still haven't told our daughters yet.