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Author Topic: Hobbies!  (Read 10393 times)
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Quand la vie devient dure, deviens plus dure.

« on: February 25, 2011, 10:55:51 PM »

Hey all. :) So, I don't know if anybody else feels this way...but I find it hard to really get to know people on here (wish it were more like Facebook or Myspace or something) lol! I really enjoy talking to everybody, you're all fabulous! :) And well, yeah I guess I'm just anxious to speak with more of you on a further than introduction basis! So I thought I would start a post where we could maybe discuss some of our hobbies or something? I don't know. This can go wherever it ends up going, haha. Ever since I was little I've been an artist. :) From the time I could pick up a crayon, a pencil, my mom's eyeliner ( ;D), I've been doodling, drawing and sketching! I'm currently working on a couple of pieces inspired by my experiences so far in dialysis, and I'd have to say they're coming along pretty well. Does anybody else draw? What are your hobbies?

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2011, 11:16:28 PM »

Oh, I wish I could draw!  I love botanical art.  We're members of the Morton Arboretum here in Chicagoland, and they have a library that is home to some very rare books of botanical drawings, hand drawn no less!  Some date back to the 1600's.  I recently looked at a book of illustrations of common flowers in England...from 1752 or something like that.

I love music and books and art, but I don't have a creative bone in my body.  I've never learned to play an instrument, nor have I ever written any great stories (although I have written a poem or two that I thought were not bad)...I don't create much but I love to look at beautiful things.  I'd love to see some of your dialysis inspired art...I think!

Do you like music?  Who are you listening to the most these days?

"Eggs are so inadequate, don't you think?  I mean, they ought to be able to become anything, but instead you always get a chicken.  Or a duck.  Or whatever they're programmed to be.  You never get anything interesting, like regret, or the middle of last week."
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« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2011, 11:34:51 PM »

Oh, I wish I could draw!  I love botanical art.  We're members of the Morton Arboretum here in Chicagoland, and they have a library that is home to some very rare books of botanical drawings, hand drawn no less!  Some date back to the 1600's.  I recently looked at a book of illustrations of common flowers in England...from 1752 or something like that.

I love music and books and art, but I don't have a creative bone in my body.  I've never learned to play an instrument, nor have I ever written any great stories (although I have written a poem or two that I thought were not bad)...I don't create much but I love to look at beautiful things.  I'd love to see some of your dialysis inspired art...I think!

Do you like music?  Who are you listening to the most these days?

Everybody can draw! It's just a matter of how well, haha. ;) But I believe art is art no matter to what degree. I absolutely love flowers and I'm sure the botanical art in those books is FANTASTIC! I can only imagine it! 1752 is a long time ago...I wonder how flowers must've looked back then. Haha, probably just as flowers look these days, but perhaps not.

Music, books and art are some of my favorites too! :) I can't play any instruments either...though at one point, I sure knew how to rock the recorder (I think 5th grade, hahaha)! I'm sure your poetry is lovely. :) I'll have to try and post some pics of my work, though I'm not certain on how to do that on here...? And is there a special place I would need to post it under? Sorry for so many questions.

I love, love, love music! Most any kind...except for country. I have a hard time with that, haha. I'm a huge fan of an artist named Ron Pope. His music is very empowering and wonderful. :) I also like a lot of alternative indie stuff, as well as better known rock, pop, and hip hop, haha. How about you? What kind of music do you listen to?

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2011, 01:30:55 AM »

My project from tonight - the start of an art project for the Laughfest - a comedy festival sponsored by Gilda's Club of Grand Rapids.  They have a bra auction.  Anyone with a creative touch is welcome to decorate a bra in any theme they please and donate it to the auction.  It's an adults only auction, since they have models wearing some of the bras!  All in good fun. 

The little sculpted faces are going on mine.  I will be pinning the little faces to a racer back style bra, along with tiny mirrors.  I'm calling it the Leer Back Bra.

Unfortunately, I can't go to the auction - I have class that night.  I'm supposed to get a free ticket.  Who wants it?  Richard?   >:D

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2011, 06:11:11 AM »

I used to love to draw. I went to art school back in the 80's but it was more for commercial art which was fun too. I think withthe way things are done on the computer today everything I learned is now usless lol. In 3rd grade I won an art contest for the school library . I was so proud lol. you couldn't take that smile off my face. Growing  up my mother my used to swe before she passed. She also loved crafts. We had enough craft things at our house to fill up a craft store! It was very cool. One silly thing I remember: when I was about 8 or 9 I took a piece of fabric my mom had that had a red/gold chinese theme to it. I made it into a rectangle and layed it across a  6 or 8 inch spare piece of wood that my dad had and staples the sides to it with his staple gun lol. Wha la! I had my own pair of flips flops! I don't know why I'll never forget that wierd thing.

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« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2011, 06:20:38 AM »

My hobby is learning to read music and learn to play the Fortepiano.
I don’t know whether you could call this a hobby, but I also love to read books,
and listen to classical music, mainly baroque and I like watching classical films.

Bach was no pioneer; his style was not influenced by any past or contemporary century.
  He was completion and fulfillment in itself, like a meteor which follows its own path.
                                        -   Robert Schumann  -

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« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2011, 06:23:30 AM »

your bra is going to bring in lots of money for the auction! How cool are those little face things...  and you made them? wow. I love going to the Philadelpia Art Museum. I sit on a bench and stare at Van Gogh's "Sunflower's". We have a print of that but it does not compare. In real life the colrs are different. You can see the strokes of the brush. In some areas the paint is very thick and heavy. It's quiet and serene there. They have a cool gifts shop. I bought some Salvador Dali blank inside cards. That meling clock thing (it's a real clock)

caregiver to husband using in-center dialysis 4 years
Henry P Snicklesnorter
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« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2011, 06:46:46 AM »

« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 09:47:33 PM by Henry P Snicklesnorter » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2011, 09:15:59 AM »

My project from tonight - the start of an art project for the Laughfest - a comedy festival sponsored by Gilda's Club of Grand Rapids.  They have a bra auction.  Anyone with a creative touch is welcome to decorate a bra in any theme they please and donate it to the auction.  It's an adults only auction, since they have models wearing some of the bras!  All in good fun. 

The little sculpted faces are going on mine.  I will be pinning the little faces to a racer back style bra, along with tiny mirrors.  I'm calling it the Leer Back Bra.

Unfortunately, I can't go to the auction - I have class that night.  I'm supposed to get a free ticket.  Who wants it?  Richard?   >:D

jbeany, I love the little faces SO SO MUCH!!! Oh my goodness, they are brilliant!!! Haha. Did you make them out of clay? I adore them. And the bra auction sounds hilariously fun. I can only imagine some of the crazy things people will come up for it.  :rofl;

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2011, 09:19:42 AM »

Nice work there Henry!

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« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2011, 09:20:53 AM »

I used to love to draw. I went to art school back in the 80's but it was more for commercial art which was fun too. I think withthe way things are done on the computer today everything I learned is now usless lol. In 3rd grade I won an art contest for the school library . I was so proud lol. you couldn't take that smile off my face. Growing  up my mother my used to swe before she passed. She also loved crafts. We had enough craft things at our house to fill up a craft store! It was very cool. One silly thing I remember: when I was about 8 or 9 I took a piece of fabric my mom had that had a red/gold chinese theme to it. I made it into a rectangle and layed it across a  6 or 8 inch spare piece of wood that my dad had and staples the sides to it with his staple gun lol. Wha la! I had my own pair of flips flops! I don't know why I'll never forget that wierd thing.

texasstyle, you went to art school? I think that's awesome! I was actually considering art school for a long time. And it's kind of sad that everything has become so computerized! Real art is not done on a machine, haha. Technology will be the death of artists. (Radio killed the video star and graphic design killed the art freak? I see a hit happening, haha)! The art contests you win in elementary were always the best though, weren't they? Haha. I think I won a bookmark contest once for our school library, and it was the best thing EVER. There was no convincing me otherwise! Homemade flip flops sound so creative! Hahaha. I think it's a memory worth remembering! :) That's great! Did you take a picture of them?

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2011, 09:22:48 AM »

My hobby is learning to read music and learn to play the Fortepiano.
I don’t know whether you could call this a hobby, but I also love to read books,
and listen to classical music, mainly baroque and I like watching classical films.

kristina, that's very cool! I'm not gifted with instruments myself, so I definitely admire that, haha. How long have you been playing? :)
And of course those are hobbies! I love reading as well. What's your favorite film?

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2011, 09:26:00 AM »

I guess I have a few hobbies - Restoring old cars, writing, playing and recording music and probably my favourite, woodwork.
Ive built a number of items of furniture, various chests and all the kitchen cupboards.

Henry, that woodwork is BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe you made those! I had to take a shop class once for school, and the end results were not pretty.  :rofl; (Think popsicle stick house compared to what you just showed me)! Haha. What got you into woodworking? Restoring old cars sounds neat, I've never been too knowledgeable in the car area though, lol. I love to write as well, but I didn't get the music genes in the family!

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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Henry P Snicklesnorter
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« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2011, 11:16:08 AM »

« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 09:46:19 PM by Henry P Snicklesnorter » Logged
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« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2011, 11:26:38 AM »

Ooooh, Henry -Great woodwook, and I'll take a restored bubble fendered 50's Ford pickup if you have a spare one laying around!

Having spent yesterday in all the little local art galleries - I'm of the opinion that handmade art isn't going anywhere.  Sure I can get pretty prints at Pier 1 or Cost Plus or even Target.  They look nice on the wall.  But as texasstyle was saying - it's nothing to the experience of seeing the actual artwork and being able to see the passion the artist put into the piece.  The one my sis and I both loved best during our shopping trip was a mere $600....worth it, but not an option for me!

sammiejo, the little faces are oven-bake clay, sold under the brand names of Fimo and Sculpey.  I've got to run to the store today for the rest of the bits and pieces (and a bra!) because the auction organizer emailed me today and is hoping to have a couple of completed bras in time for a TV interview on the 1st.  Wouldn't that be fun? - my art on the 6 o'clock news! 

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2011, 12:39:12 PM »

« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 09:42:36 PM by Henry P Snicklesnorter » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2011, 12:52:40 PM »

OMG I so freaked out! When we were in art class 9it lasted 1/2 a day) this one  guy John S. used to bring in cassettes (yes I said that lol) and used to always that song "Radio Killed The Video Star". How freaky you just put that in with my art class stuff. It was by the Buggles!

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« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2011, 04:28:07 PM »

I thought it was Video killed the Radio star?  (ie, looks were suddenly more important than talent.)

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2011, 07:34:55 PM »

SammieJo...what a great thread to start.  Getting to know more about our on-line friends through their creations...

JBeany...what are your faces made of?  They are great!  And, the bra idea.... :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl; Leer Back!   :rofl;  :rofl;

Henry, I am in awe of your talent!  The cabinets are beautiful!  And the boat...she's beautiful too! 

My hobbies are gardening (I LOVE to dig in the dirt), fishing, kayaking and quilting.   I love music (yes, even country music) of all types and play the  guitar a little.

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« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2011, 08:32:25 PM »

Henry, is that a photo of your head exploding?

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« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2011, 09:13:44 PM »

I thought it was Video killed the Radio star?  (ie, looks were suddenly more important than talent.)

Oh goodness, you're right, haha. That's what I meant to say!

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2011, 09:17:11 PM »

SammieJo...what a great thread to start.  Getting to know more about our on-line friends through their creations...

JBeany...what are your faces made of?  They are great!  And, the bra idea.... :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl; Leer Back!   :rofl;  :rofl;

Henry, I am in awe of your talent!  The cabinets are beautiful!  And the boat...she's beautiful too! 

My hobbies are gardening (I LOVE to dig in the dirt), fishing, kayaking and quilting.   I love music (yes, even country music) of all types and play the  guitar a little.

 :flower; Gardening is so fun! I started a garden a few years back with my mom and a friend. I was so excited until squirrels decided to dig half of it up shortly after planting.  :'( I was rather devastated! I've gone kayaking once, on my trip to Europe, and it was an absolute blast! A lot harder than it looks though! Haha.

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2011, 09:18:13 PM »

Henry, that woodwork is BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe you made those! I had to take a shop class once for school, and the end results were not pretty.  :rofl; (Think popsicle stick house compared to what you just showed me)! Haha. What got you into woodworking? Restoring old cars sounds neat, I've never been too knowledgeable in the car area though, lol. I love to write as well, but I didn't get the music genes in the family!

Thanks SJ, & TS as well.  I was absolutely hopeless at woodwork at school - probably because I was too busy being disruptive! I was a terrible student.
Fast forward 35 years and I had bought a lovely old wooden yacht. (pic below.) Wooden boats require LOTS of maintenance and frequent repairs to the topsides. To undertake this i needed a whole bunch of tools and a good solid workbench. As I was living in rented accomodation, (being footloose and fancy free at the time,) I needed a bench that I could move easily, so I designed and constructed the one shown in the pic below. It dissassembles into 10 components in under ten minutes and can be re-assembled in about 12. Its rigidity when assembled comes from threaded rods under tension.
It's still the piece I am most proud of, being the first piece I had constructed since school and it came out perfectly.
That was over 10 years ago and I have since used it on many projects, including the kitchen cupboards shown. The top is actually 5 boards edge joined together, with grains matched to one another to give the appearance of a single piece. Selecting and matching was the most difficult part.

Incredible. I admire your passion for this!

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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Quand la vie devient dure, deviens plus dure.

« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2011, 09:19:27 PM »

Ooooh, Henry -Great woodwook, and I'll take a restored bubble fendered 50's Ford pickup if you have a spare one laying around!

Having spent yesterday in all the little local art galleries - I'm of the opinion that handmade art isn't going anywhere.  Sure I can get pretty prints at Pier 1 or Cost Plus or even Target.  They look nice on the wall.  But as texasstyle was saying - it's nothing to the experience of seeing the actual artwork and being able to see the passion the artist put into the piece.  The one my sis and I both loved best during our shopping trip was a mere $600....worth it, but not an option for me!

sammiejo, the little faces are oven-bake clay, sold under the brand names of Fimo and Sculpey.  I've got to run to the store today for the rest of the bits and pieces (and a bra!) because the auction organizer emailed me today and is hoping to have a couple of completed bras in time for a TV interview on the 1st.  Wouldn't that be fun? - my art on the 6 o'clock news!

Haha, I might just have to by some of that clay and play around. It looks like fun! :) It would be hardcore to see your art on the news! You'll have to let us know if it happens!

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
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Quand la vie devient dure, deviens plus dure.

« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2011, 09:20:01 PM »

OMG I so freaked out! When we were in art class 9it lasted 1/2 a day) this one  guy John S. used to bring in cassettes (yes I said that lol) and used to always that song "Radio Killed The Video Star". How freaky you just put that in with my art class stuff. It was by the Buggles!

Haha, oh my gosh, that's crazy!

01/05/2011-Full Right Nephrectomy (Malignant Tumors)
01/24/2011-Permacath Placed; Dialysis Started
01/28/2011-Fistula Placed
Current: In-Center Hemodialysis/3x a week
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