Ok I love American Funniest Video..... I love that stuff.......
yes i watch housewives of Beverly hills, and Atlanta- I am so ashamed though!! to make matters worse ........I am going to see Barry Manilow in two days.... I have hardly told a soul.....
I am going to see Barry Manilow in two days.... I have hardly told a soul.....
I kinda fell in love with him after he sang with Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report. I mostly just watch MSNBC and The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, but I do sometimes watch Food Network. I like Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives, Chopped, and Unwrapped.oh, and Cariad, Jon is a bit of an ass, but he is a nice guy in person. I was at the show during Fleet Week a couple of years ago. Both TDS and TCR immediately VIP any military person in uniform who are in the line. There was a few from one particular ship, who actually gave him a gift. It was a picture of the ship, and it was really nice. He actually worked it into the show, saying that was how he commuted to work.
I dont have to do any of it in secret . I have the remote and dont have to share , but my one naughty one is, True Blood , new series just started over here and there are some quite naughty bits in it !!!
I really detested his interview with Rachel Maddow though, got fed up and switched it right off. He was so rude to her, and yes, I understand he was ill, but wow, telling her the faults in her show and her network and essentially saying "I wouldn't do it this way, so your show sucks" is excruciatingly bad form.
Quote from: cariad on January 20, 2011, 05:37:19 PMI really detested his interview with Rachel Maddow though, got fed up and switched it right off. He was so rude to her, and yes, I understand he was ill, but wow, telling her the faults in her show and her network and essentially saying "I wouldn't do it this way, so your show sucks" is excruciatingly bad form. I don't remember him saying or implying that Rachel's show sucked. I have the interview dvr'd, I could probably watch it again to check. What I got was that he wanted to differentiate between what Rachel does and what he does, that what Rachel does is news, and what he does is make fun of the news. A lot of people can't tell the difference. BTW, Stephen Colbert kisses Huckabee's ass too. Stephen gets away with things that Jon can't because Stephen is playing a character. Huckabee offered Stephen the VP spot if he was nominated for president. I think they kiss the ass of any GOP member who'll come on the shows more than once.