Today was the beginning of our 'sort' of training. Today was about me :-) and canulating. I watched a movie which i thought was going to be unneccessary but it was REALLY useful. it was showing how infultration happens and angle of the needle etc. Then, I went through a whole nicely long lesson about different types of accesses and hubby is in the greatest of situations on that one. Anyway, i didnt stick hubby, but i did stick the dummy and i got the vain!!! whoo hoo for me.. my trainer said i was a fast learner and was empressed which made me VERY happy. I learned sooooo much today and am pretty happy about it. Amazing that all the cleanin, tapeing, etc looks so simple but when it's stuck in your face to do, well, it's quite a thought out process. I also learned from the 'nurse' in the center a whole bunch of stuff. Anyway, i cant believe how much i knew,,,,,,,,,,,,and didnt Wednesday, i do hubby and at this point, im not scarred or anything. Just determined to make him better!!!!
Yep Bill , the dummy had a vein, and i was so grateful to have the chance to work with it. I have made me an 'arm' with a vein at home now and have canulated and taped up, and removed needles 4 times this morning.
Im really tuckered out tonight but if your serious, i'll try taking pictures of 'the arm'. It has been really helpful to me to get a clear idea of canulating, and given me great practice on the cleaning, stick, taping up etc. It's pretty cool
ok im gonna try ok,,lol, i have NO idea how to put pictures here..and to think i even thought i did.. hum,, anyone wanna give me a qick lesson??
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