Hello! What a great site this appears to be. I'm excited to have found it!
In Oct. 2009, I went for a regular check up. It was a Monday. Two rounds of blood tests later and a couple other tests, it was determined I had GFR of 12 and was in the hospital on Thursday. I stayed there for 5 days and had a fistula placed the following Monday. Here it is a year later. I'm still right where I was. I have not started dialysis. I had no clue I had any kidney problems.
My mom, sister and husband are all matches for a kidney transplant. My sister is in the final stages of her testing to donate to me. Her blood pressure was running a little high, so she may not qualify. I thought we were in the home stretch...but now its back to the waiting game.
I'm an accountant and still working full time. I'm having a lot of issues being able to handle my work and keep thing straight. I'm anxious to compare symptoms with others. I want to know if what I'm feeling it normal or I'm just crazy!