Renal failure and dialysis are both hard on relationships. My husband of 19 years decided this summer he wasn't happy any more and left. We met at 19 and 23. Life takes its toll and we go on. And it isn't easy doing this by ourselves... I thank God for my friends and family. And while I don't ever see myself in another serious relationship again- ya just never know what might be around the corner. Being by myself has shown me I'm stronger than I ever would have imagined.
I really hope Epoman is true to his word and doesn't delete ppl's posts. I've had an awful time with relationships too. Now I just give up and resign myself to the fact it's not going to happen. I use call girls/prostitutes now. They come to my house for an hour and I can do whatever I like to them. Something to think about, friend.
Iowagirl, When I got my transplant and the side effects of prednasone took over, I wasn't the cute perk blond that you see to your left (Just kidding-I was never that) Anyway, after 10 years of marriage he dumped me for some tramp on the volunteer ambulance that he was involved with. Beds in the back and everything! (Epoman, don't lock me out!) To make a long story short, it was the best thing that happened to me. If you can't trust them to be there for you, you need to rely on yourself. They still haven't found his body~ (God... I'm kidding)!!!
This has been a major issue for me too. My girlfriend who I lived with for 5 years when I got sick took off like a bullet. I have been in two other "relationships" since and it never seems to work out. I am sure that my lack of self-confidence does not help but I can't help but feeling why would anyone in their right mind want a broken person... cronic health issues, financial problems, scars... etc. So I too have pretty much resigned to fact I will be alone and it sucks! Maybe I can get Dr. Phil to fix me!