Worked my usual shift, collected Aidan from home as he was convalescing due to illness and brought him to street dance, purchased wine bags and thank you cards for all the teachers we have to thank in the next two days, plus thank you cards for the party attendees. Ordered takeaway. Gwyn has a midnight deadline at work and we are both still recovering from whatever stress-induced illness we had yesterday. I am taking apple cider vinegar twice a day in an effort to kill off this cold quickly, and yet again my cold has all but vanished in a day. As soon as Gwyn walks through the door with Aidan we will all sit down to a divine curry before Gwyn heads back to work.
Attended a wedding in Manchester amidst thunderstorms and heavy rain but had good time.Now the long drive home (and more thunderstorms forecasted)
You have an interesting life flow. As I do at times, read through your posts, up to listing page 36. The apple cider vinegar mention did get my attention. So see my blog post on it. course I 'talk' on many things, as my blog entries will show, and why the moniker 'Talker'.Hugs if you and all accept them.Be Well
I love to see the differences in language.'Takeaway' most likely meaning 'takeout' to many of us.
You are not hard to understand at all as I enjoy regional dialect differences. There are many persons well educated in language dialects that can tell within a few miles where a person is from simply by listening to their pattern of speak and the actual words/phrases used in the English language.
Curry does sound good! Nothing here in mid-Missouri but a couple Asian and a mexican place.
Always thoughtful Kristine, thank you. I do the best I can and that is it.
Oddly enough I FEEL as tho I worked like a mule all day. Made a little trip to the store, made Italian wedding soup, made the bed, cooked my husband his daily egg and cheese omelet, and one load of laundry and cleaned a bathroom, made dinner and cleaned up. Oh wait, now I see why I am so tired. Maybe I should make a list at the end of every day to keep track of my activity.
I became a grandmother for the third time!!! Baby Jacob born at 4am weighing 6lb 3oz