I threw out some old icing.. that's the extent of my day right there
I took the bus home from dialysis and the bus driver missed my stop.. AGAIN.. When he does this, it makes me have to walk across the entrance to the parking lot for a grocery store. There's 3 lanes of traffic, no lights, and nobody watches for pedestrians. They don't even seem to notice my white cane, unless I happen to whack their bumper with it. I got home in time to see one of the neighbors chasing a large group of teenagers out of my back yard. Thank you, neighbor. They sit back there and smoke, leave their garbage, that kind of stuff.. one of them even took a crap back there. it was disgusting. I went in the house, made myself something to eat and played on the computer for a bit. I tried to ice some cupcakes, but the icing had been in the fridge, and it was too cold to come out of the piping bag, so I said screw it, and put it back in the fridge and watched Dark Shadows for the rest of the afternoon. *L*