500 red worms, I think is what they are called. I didn't get the three tiered bin, but I saw it. I got the bin that looks like the recycle bins you get from the city, but with a lid w/holes. I also got a little cooler looking thing to keep in the kitchen to put all the food waste in. I think it holds about three days worth and then you put it in with the worms. Charles and I are doing this "Jorge Cruise 3 Hour Diet" and we are eating so much fruit and veggies we have lots of "food" for the worms. I'm super excited! Hey, maybe this can be my photo for the contest? I think I'll get them in three days. I wonder if I should count the worms? lol I think it said they duplicate quite fast (double in 3 months time). We'll see. I'll post some photos.
Some women and their hobbies.