I just started PD. They are working me up to 10,000ml with 4-5 exchanges a night. I first started at 10 hrs, 8500 total vol , 1200 ther vol and 7 exchanges on tidal. Tonight I am switching to 9 hrs, 8500 tot vol, 1400ml per exchange and 90% tidal. I am still having a lot of drain pain. I was wondering if anyone's effluent is yellow? I thought it was supposed to be, but mine is just clear. Worried it's not taking off any toxins. I have felt worse than ever the first 3 days of PD. I go dry during the day. Which I am hoping to hold on to for a long time. What is everyone's avg dwell time at night?
Midday: Second exchange while having lunch or, while driving if I don't stop for lunch.Henry P, could you please explain how you would dialyse whilst driving. TIA.