Somebody introduced this website to me.
Very interesting site, and now I'm hooked to it, I'm learning new things everyday
I would like to share more about myself.
I am dailysis worker and I started helping and caring for dialysis patients since 1999.
I worked in Asia, Europe and America. I met different patients with amazing personalities
I never dreamed of working with dialysis patients, since before I was doing fine arts but
many things come and go, happened for some reasons and was not happy
...and finally end up doing this.
Now, as I wake up everyday, Im so glad that I help and care for these people and I can see them 3-4 times in a week.
But one thing I'm scared of is...if you will be attached to them and be part of their life and someday...they will be gone...
that expereince is so traumatic...(I experienced that).
Thats all for now, well, I love what I'm doing and I care for all my patients, maybe that's what i'm called for......