Why bother when we are years away from a transplant and not so sure that I'm going to gothat route anyway.SCYankee
Please forgive me for asking a few questions about the UNOS waiting list and such... I was put on the list when I started dialysis, but two of my sons were already interested in donating to me, so I never did figure out how things really work on the list-- especially once they said that my average wait would be 10+ years.I'm back on "the list" now after I lost my transplant from my son-- but when I had the nephrectomy six weeks ago, my doc said in passing that I would now be on the "special list" for people with FSGS and sensitivity issues. I hope being on the special list doesn't mean they put your name in the trash can, hehehe. But does anyone else know anything about special lists and how they fit into the revised algorhythms that UNOS supposedly has now. Also, is there any kind of system where you can periodically check your place on the list-- besides calling your doctor repeatedly, emailing or chasing him down at Hawaii conferences?
thanks, angela for clarifying a few points for me. if i have to check with a coordinator to find out what my transplant team meant by the "special list" i'll probably be on my third or fourth transplant by then, hehehe... i don't work through my local nephrologist...i work directly with the staff at the transplant hospital i use...and they have been swamped for the past 18 months and getting a quick answer to a question takes a great deal of time and effort.