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Author Topic: Im a Racist  (Read 137778 times)
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« on: September 16, 2009, 08:24:19 AM »

i am so TIRED of people on the left in and out of politics crying RACIST if you dont follow suit with whatever Pres. Obama says.

It is true im not happy with the way the president is running things.

I am SICK of Acorn and there corruption.
I am sick of the way the president is running international issues.
We had ONE and only ONE hand to play against Iran.  The only way we could truly hurt them was to hold back on supplying them GAS.
(for those who dont follow politics to closely, Iran has TONS of oil.  But they are to busy making nukes to make a refinery to make gasoline).  So we had this to bargain with.  Now Obamas good buddy Chavez has made a deal to supply Gas to Iran 10,000 barrels a day beginning in OCT.  So we truly have nothing to barter with with Iran?  Thus now they are ready to bargain LOL but talks about nukes are out of bounds.  They have the upper hand.  LUCKILY Israel will do what they must to protect themselves.
North Korea's.  Yup obamas shake hands and lets talk nice approach is working fine here as well. NK is gearing up for its THRID nuclear test this to be the most explosive to date.  We use to be able to threaten sanctions against NK.  Now they can sell nukes to get what they need.  Look at Syria (remember there nuke plant set up by NK).  But again Israel took care of that problem.

Im not happy with all the corporate bailouts.
Im not happy with having 30+ Czars that have no accountability and many have very shaky pasts to say the least
I wasnt overjoyed about the cash for clunkers.  My money going to everyone else?
We need reform in healthcare but Obama has his own plans to help his cause.
Not the cause of Americans but his cause.

I am tired of the Obama administration of misplacing blame.  it isnt republicans holding up HIS Obamacare it is his own party, and has been since day one?  So many have short memories.
But most of all im tired of being LABELD>
And im truly tired of being labeled a RACIST for not agreeing 100% with A PRESIDENT>
Im not fake, im not astro turf, im not being paid to disagree i am an AMERICAN with my own viewpoint.  GASP  HOW DARE I.

Im sick that we are spending STILL millions of dollars on Janet jacksons T*T popping out.  And on baseball players who may or may not have used steroids.  When we have such REAL issues to deal with.
 :rant; :rant;

I am no racist.  I am also no puppet who agrees 100% with whatever the president says.

Curiosity killed the cat
Satisfaction brought it back

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« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 08:29:40 AM »

Don't know why you would be labeled a racist just for disagreeing with the president.  I don't agree with everything he believes, and I voted for him!  I also agree that the media spends far too much time on "celebrity" issues.  Look how much time they spent on a black man who desperately wanted to be a white woman and who molested boys! 
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« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2009, 10:39:14 AM »

The fact is you are correct, they are labeling anyone who does not agree with all of the bull-hit that the president is dealing out as a racist... I am sick of it all myself. The man loves to hear his on voice and loves his TV time.... sorry but had to add that to all the other complaints listed.. just can't agree on policies with that man. :rant; :rant; :rant;
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« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 06:41:28 PM »

Yes, that is their tactic, to blame opposition of Obama as being a racist motivation. So true in 2009 and still in use today. Only thing is, it is wearing thing and folks don't buy that garbage rhetoric any longer.

Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
Incenter Dialysis starting 2-1-2007
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« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2012, 07:10:34 PM »

It's funny you bring this subject up. I am totally not a racist, however I did not vote for Obama and I knew we were in trouble if he was to be voted in. I also said he would more than likely win. I strongly believe some folks voted him in to office to prove they were NOT racist. A little different look at things, maybe but I am glad we finally had a President from a different race get voted in. That's done now so when will we get a female President? Just thinking we should get that out of the way as well.     ::)  Maybe we need to find someone who really has this Country in their best interest and move forward...I don't care what gender or what color, I just want someone who really knows what they are doing.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 07:12:05 PM by Sluff » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2012, 08:17:50 PM »

Sluff, after trying to interact and explain my views and support of what the Tea Party is trying to accomplish on the GOP thread with day after day of racist allegations against people that believe like me, I truly think that it will bring about a backlash of anger against these false allegations that will bring an end to this president who hides behind class warfare and political anarchy with those in the Occupy movement out to create chaos. Anarchy shall not prevail. False accusations shall not prevail.

I was never very inclined to be politically active until this president and all that he stirs up with his community organizer background. We cannot afford 4 more years of his reign. God helps us if he is reelected.

Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
Incenter Dialysis starting 2-1-2007
Self Care in Center from 4-15-2008 to 6-2-2009
Started  Home Care with NxStage 6-2-2009 (Qb 370, FF 45%, 40L)

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« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2012, 09:06:13 PM »

"Maybe we need to find someone who really has this Country in their best interest and move forward...I don't care what gender or what color, I just want someone who really knows what they are doing."

This implies that our current president doesn't have this country in his best interest, and I resent that.  You can disagree all you want with any policy decision he has made, but to imply that he doesn't care about the United States is wrong.  How do you come to this conclusion?  With respect, have you ever had a personal conversation with him that would make you think that he has given three years of his and his family's lives to guide this nation through difficult times just for a laugh?  I'm sorry, but that is incredibly disrespectful to make such an odious charge.

And you, Hemodoc, you seem to think that you and people you deem to be "like you" are the only ones who value work, personal responsibility and freedom.  My husband works two jobs, and my neighbors scrap for every construction job going.  I want to know, right here and now, exactly which "freedoms" you think someone is going to take away from you?  You keep banging on and on about "freedom and liberty", yet you are not terribly specific about what it is you think you have lost or stand to lose.  So how about sharing that with us?  And how about also telling us how you think one American president is going to single handedly ruin this country.

The tea party doesn't have a monopoly on patriotism, my friend, nor are they the only people who value those things that you value, and I think you should stop implying that you are the only American who has worked hard and who wants to support his family.  You have interacted and have explained your views very well, but in doing so, you have tried to devalue anyone who might see the world a bit differently and who might have a different but still noble set of values and opinions. 

You didn't read that article, did you.  I know you didn't,  I can tell, and that says a lot.  It says that you will not even TRY to view the world from a different vantage point, not even TRY to imagine a different set of life experiences. 

Your world view is stuck in a morass of victimhood, and that cannot make you happy, it just cannot.   You have decried our inability to engage in civil discourse, yet you persist in this victimized mindset, so certain that you are degraded for being a man of faith and a man who applauds personal responsibility.  Anyone who might have a different view is so very wrong, so very misguided, so deluded, so devalued in your eyes.  The Lord your Savior gave you eyes so that you can see, but you will not.  You will not entertain the mere notion that you might possibly be wrong. 

You know, I don't usually take things personally.  I like to think that I have enough respect for people that I want to hear their views...the hows and the whys.  But I don't think you have heard one single thing I have tried to say to you.  I don't think you have given me enough respect to listen.  You've not reacted to a single one of my posts except to chastise me for some unseen and unintentional slight that you've perceived that I have wreaked upon you.  I do not care if you or if anyone else agrees or disagrees with a single word that I post, but I'm a bit tired of being ignored at best or dismissed at worst.

If the GOP truly cared about this nation, and I do believe that many do, they would have put up a much better field than Newt Gingrich, who is a vile and arrogant man.  He is mentally ill, I'm convinced of it.  He has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder, and this nation will erupt if that man is elected.  Mitt Romney is a corporate shill who doesn't know what to believe nor what to work for.  He has no goals and if he did, he has no idea how to meet them, and if he thinks that being a "businessman" gives him the experience to be the President of the United States of America, then we can all go to meet our Maker right now because there is not a single person on this forum who is good for the blessed "bottom line".  We are costing the American taxpayers money in keeping us alive, so what makes you think that Mr Romney is going to keep us around?  We're not profitable.  We need federal assistance to stay alive, people...is a "businessman" going to spend money on unprofitable people like us?  That's just bloody brilliant.  The GOP in its present form cares nothing about investing in our nation because if they did, they'd have put up more viable and psychologically balanced candidates for us to choose from.  And they would also prohibit Mr. Romney from talking about "class warfare."

I'm sorry you don't like it that some people in the Tea Party movement are perceived as racist, but you're going to have to live with it. 

You are right...false accusations shall not prevail.  Those who believe that this President is igniting class warfare and that  the Occupy message of preservation of the middle class is nothing more than anarchy WILL see a backlash against this constant and pervasive lie.  And that backlash will happen in the voting booth.  Americans believe in their DNA that this should be a nation of fair play, built upon the hard labor of the middle class of ALL colors, that the United States of America belong to ALL of us, from the mighty to the weakened, to ALL of us who have made our lives here, who have raised our families here, who work two or three jobs here, yet who are told that we are not worth the investment.

Good night, and good luck.

"Eggs are so inadequate, don't you think?  I mean, they ought to be able to become anything, but instead you always get a chicken.  Or a duck.  Or whatever they're programmed to be.  You never get anything interesting, like regret, or the middle of last week."
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« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2012, 09:14:09 PM »

Look, conservatives can whine and complain about the current administration as much as they like.  The last sentence is NOT aimed at any one person.  The fact is that the GOP does not have a viable candidate.  Their own debates has proved this.  So it is looking like 4 more years is a reality whether you like it or not. Romney wins the nod for the GOP and goes down in flames against Obama.
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« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2012, 10:29:23 PM »

"Maybe we need to find someone who really has this Country in their best interest and move forward...I don't care what gender or what color, I just want someone who really knows what they are doing."

This implies that our current president doesn't have this country in his best interest, and I resent that.  You can disagree all you want with any policy decision he has made, but to imply that he doesn't care about the United States is wrong.  How do you come to this conclusion?  With respect, have you ever had a personal conversation with him that would make you think that he has given three years of his and his family's lives to guide this nation through difficult times just for a laugh?  I'm sorry, but that is incredibly disrespectful to make such an odious charge.

And you, Hemodoc, you seem to think that you and people you deem to be "like you" are the only ones who value work, personal responsibility and freedom.  My husband works two jobs, and my neighbors scrap for every construction job going.  I want to know, right here and now, exactly which "freedoms" you think someone is going to take away from you?  You keep banging on and on about "freedom and liberty", yet you are not terribly specific about what it is you think you have lost or stand to lose.  So how about sharing that with us?  And how about also telling us how you think one American president is going to single handedly ruin this country.

The tea party doesn't have a monopoly on patriotism, my friend, nor are they the only people who value those things that you value, and I think you should stop implying that you are the only American who has worked hard and who wants to support his family.  You have interacted and have explained your views very well, but in doing so, you have tried to devalue anyone who might see the world a bit differently and who might have a different but still noble set of values and opinions. 

You didn't read that article, did you.  I know you didn't,  I can tell, and that says a lot.  It says that you will not even TRY to view the world from a different vantage point, not even TRY to imagine a different set of life experiences. 

Your world view is stuck in a morass of victimhood, and that cannot make you happy, it just cannot.   You have decried our inability to engage in civil discourse, yet you persist in this victimized mindset, so certain that you are degraded for being a man of faith and a man who applauds personal responsibility.  Anyone who might have a different view is so very wrong, so very misguided, so deluded, so devalued in your eyes.  The Lord your Savior gave you eyes so that you can see, but you will not.  You will not entertain the mere notion that you might possibly be wrong. 

You know, I don't usually take things personally.  I like to think that I have enough respect for people that I want to hear their views...the hows and the whys.  But I don't think you have heard one single thing I have tried to say to you.  I don't think you have given me enough respect to listen.  You've not reacted to a single one of my posts except to chastise me for some unseen and unintentional slight that you've perceived that I have wreaked upon you.  I do not care if you or if anyone else agrees or disagrees with a single word that I post, but I'm a bit tired of being ignored at best or dismissed at worst.

If the GOP truly cared about this nation, and I do believe that many do, they would have put up a much better field than Newt Gingrich, who is a vile and arrogant man.  He is mentally ill, I'm convinced of it.  He has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder, and this nation will erupt if that man is elected.  Mitt Romney is a corporate shill who doesn't know what to believe nor what to work for.  He has no goals and if he did, he has no idea how to meet them, and if he thinks that being a "businessman" gives him the experience to be the President of the United States of America, then we can all go to meet our Maker right now because there is not a single person on this forum who is good for the blessed "bottom line".  We are costing the American taxpayers money in keeping us alive, so what makes you think that Mr Romney is going to keep us around?  We're not profitable.  We need federal assistance to stay alive, people...is a "businessman" going to spend money on unprofitable people like us?  That's just bloody brilliant.  The GOP in its present form cares nothing about investing in our nation because if they did, they'd have put up more viable and psychologically balanced candidates for us to choose from.  And they would also prohibit Mr. Romney from talking about "class warfare."

I'm sorry you don't like it that some people in the Tea Party movement are perceived as racist, but you're going to have to live with it. 

You are right...false accusations shall not prevail.  Those who believe that this President is igniting class warfare and that  the Occupy message of preservation of the middle class is nothing more than anarchy WILL see a backlash against this constant and pervasive lie.  And that backlash will happen in the voting booth.  Americans believe in their DNA that this should be a nation of fair play, built upon the hard labor of the middle class of ALL colors, that the United States of America belong to ALL of us, from the mighty to the weakened, to ALL of us who have made our lives here, who have raised our families here, who work two or three jobs here, yet who are told that we are not worth the investment.

Good night, and good luck.

Dear Moosemom, I subjected myself to all sorts of false accusations simply to answer your many questions about what motivated a conservative and then I further explained the Tea Party motivations. I do not in the least feel like a victim, far from it. God has blessed me with many things and how could I feel like a victim at all. I am indeed aggravated by false allegations of racism, lack of compassion, and other accusations, but that does not in any way evoke helpless or victimized feelings at all. I believe you have misjudged that.

As far as freedoms, let's list a few: economic. Obama is the worst performing economic president since they have been keeping those records. How about the NDAA he just signed into law that gives him dictatorial powers and the "right" to suspend individual constitutional rights and throw a person in jail with no trial. He openly opposes gun rights but to date, we have avoided much of that.  A second term would be where he attacks those rights most likely.

Here are a few links to different issues for your perusal.





As far as continued accusations of Tea Party people like me being racist is simply laughable and as you see by some of the comments like Sluff, it will only lead to a backlash against this class warfare. I will list the Tea Party group of white folks listening to a black man talking about how to improve this nation. Anyone that opposes Obama is called a racist which is simply not true. I oppose his political philosophy and it is as simple as that. I would suggest you go back and read the responses to my posts and how many times people imposed comments of racism, lack of compassion and other  such comments. At the same time, I did not nor have I resorted to such outright false allegations nor will I in the future.

I will continue to argue point by point the merits of conservatism.

As far as the article you linked, yes, I read every word of it and responded to you. Please don't imply false accusations once again.

As far as how do I feel Obama feels about this nation, I do not feel he has the best interest at heart to defend and protect America from outside influences. Starting with his grand apology tour, his complete insulting demeanor to our closest allies, his overt gestures to the muslim world including bowing to the Saudi king while at the same time disrespecting the Queen of England and treating the Prime minister to great disrespect before the entire world. Imagine canceling a scheduled meeting with the Prime minister of England leaving him hanging to go and meet with a group of boy scouts.

His economic policies place America at great risk. His foreign affairs such as dismantling a nuclear missile defense system in Europe unilaterally without any negotiations with the Russians to grant concessions is pure lunacy showing great weakness not strength. If he wanted to get rid of the system, he should have won concessions from Russia at the same time. What a wasted moment. Now he wishes to unilaterally disarm our military forces that even his defense secretary has spoken against.

No, I do not believe that this man has the best interests of this nation at heart for these and other reasons. Why do you take that personally. I am certainly not the first person to so state publicly. At the same time, the invective accusations against the GOP candidates flows unimpeded, yet you and others seem surprised if we have had enough and respond to these outrageous allegations.

The class warfare that Obama is fomenting is dangerous to say the least and will very likely lead to bloodshed in our streets this summer as the election nears. He continues to follow the outline of civil unrest outlined by Saul Alinsky.


I have not in the least devalued anyone in the Democratic camp since in so doing I would have insulted and devalued my own mother, father and in fact my entire family who are all, well except for my older brother and independent, all are very strong democratic supporters. No I have not done that nor shall I.

In fact, I have not touched on my own history as a Democratic supported. I have voted in the past for Ted Kennedy, Mike Dukakis and even Gerry Studds, a disgraced congressman from MA who was censured for a homosexual affair with a page. I have in my past life argued against creationism and Christian fundamentalists and in fact on more than one occasion actually persecuted them for their religion. You say I don't understand but in fact, you are completely unaware that I was Boston, Democratic liberal up until my conversion to Christianity at the age of 34. So once again, this time out of anger you are making false accusations against me. No big deal, I certainly forgive you for that, but we will simply have to agree to disagree on the political issues.

As far as patriotism, I do not believe that Obama is patriotic in the least. He sat in a church where anti-American sermons where the rule, not the exception.  He claims he never heard any of these things in 20 years. Seriously, he must have a profound sleeping disorder or something to that effect. His political career in Illinois started in the house of a man suspected of bombing and murder, although never brought to trial. He identifies with radicals and his history is consistent with that.

I am sorry you take these issues personally, but quite frankly, despite the lack of choice among the GOP candidates, if Obama loses, then that will speak of the underlying anger against this man's policies. Obama is NOT an untouchable perfect candidate for you folks which you are not addressing at all. He has done great damage to this nation and if he has another 4 years could reek lasting damage difficult to undo.

I understand the patriotism of many democrats and I am not calling that into question. I could name quite a few including many in my own family who have served this nation with honor. I have not in any sense made that accusation. Instead, I have had to respond to false accusation after false accusation. After nearly four years of these false accusations by the media and even in private conversations, I have no doubt that whoever the nominee as flawed or imperfect as they shall be, the pent up anger of false accusations shall reap a backlash that many will be caught unaware.

I would actually recommend that the false accusations against us continue, it will only strengthen our resolve.

Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
Incenter Dialysis starting 2-1-2007
Self Care in Center from 4-15-2008 to 6-2-2009
Started  Home Care with NxStage 6-2-2009 (Qb 370, FF 45%, 40L)

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« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2012, 12:05:16 AM »

Dear Hemodoc, can you not see that you are engaging in the very same behavior that you denounce in others?  I can see why you'd grow weary of what you feel are false accustions of Tea Party racism, but don't you also see why others would be irritated by the same tired allegations that the President is a radical or a socialist or an apologist or yada yada yada?

1.  I am aware of your early political history.

2.  The President didn't want to sign the NDAA in it's presented form, but the Republicans stuck it onto other legislation like they usually do, so it was an all or nothing deal, unfortunately.  I would have preferred him to sign nothing, but I believe it was a tax cut for middle class Americans that the NDAA was attached to.

3.  I read the links you provided, and what struck me about the Fortune article about the freedoms we stand to lose under the President's Affordable Health Care Act was that I don't have these freedoms now and haven't had them since I've returned to the US seven years ago.  Since I have a pre-existing condition, I was forced onto an HMO, and so I don't have those freedoms outlined in the article, anyway.  I won't miss what I don't have. 

4.  As for the other links, well, they would say that, wouldn't they.  We could spend the next month sending links to each other that support our particular views, and I know you are not the only person who thinks the way you do, and neither am I particularly unique in my own views.

5.  Did you really read the link I posted because your response, if it was a response to that link as you claim, shows absolutely no evidence of it.  I trust you are not lying to me, but instead I am forced to come to the conclusion, again, that you won't investigate another perspective, at least for the intellectual exercise it provides.

6.  I don't believe Mr. Obama went on an "Apology Tour", and no matter how often you define it as such, that's not what it was.  As someone who lived in Europe for 20 years and travelled extensively around the continent, I understand the impact  of Mr. Obama's visit.  There are no words to adequately describe the sheer hatred engendered in Europe by the Bush Administration.  I was no great fan of Mr. Bush, but neither was I a "hater", but even I was astonished by the sheer vitriol spewed in his direction.  The EU is an important partner to the US, and I believe his trip there was appreciated.

7.  Again, as someone who read the British rags for 2 decades, any kerfuffel "reported" by a Tory paper such as the Telegraph or created as fiction by the tabloids is just that...fiction.  No, there was no disrespect shown to the Queen.  And if Gordon Brown felt disrespected, well, I'm not surprised as he has the world's biggest chip on his shoulder.  He was a very good Chancellor of the Exchequer but he was a terrible Prime Minister.  Actually, he certainly showed great disloyalty to his own Prime Minister.  So, if Gordon Brown felt "disrespected" by President Obama, then well done, Mr. President!

8.  Again, in an effort to try to see the world through the eyes of someone with a very different life experience, I can't say that I would blame Rev. Wright if he expressed disappointment in America.  How would YOU feel if YOUR people had to ride in the back of the bus, eh?  How would YOU feel if the color of your skin meant that you didn't have the same rights as white folks, that you couldn't eat in the same restaurants or drink from the same fountains or have your children educated in the same schools?  I'm sorry, but I am ashamed of that part of American history, and if I had had to live that way, I am not sure I could end up with love for this country.  So you know what?  I'm gonna give Rev. Wright a pass on this one.  Judge not lest ye be judged.  As you are falling asleep tonight, imagine what life must have been like for a black man when Rev. Wright was in his formative years.  Then come and tell me how much you have always loved America.

9.  Saul Alinksy?  Really?Really?  Oh please.

10.  I don't take these issues personally, Hemodoc.  What I DO take a teeny tiny bit personally is that not once have you said anything along the lines of, "OK, I think you are wrong, but I guess I can understand why you may think that way."  I don't mind at all if you think I am wrong, but like anyone else, I at least would like to think I've been heard.

11.  I am glad that you don't label as unpatriotic those who have different opinions from yours.  That's gracious of you.

Well, there's no tennis tonight, so I'm going to get to sleep.  Again, thanks for the conversation!  Take care and sleep well!

"Eggs are so inadequate, don't you think?  I mean, they ought to be able to become anything, but instead you always get a chicken.  Or a duck.  Or whatever they're programmed to be.  You never get anything interesting, like regret, or the middle of last week."
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« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2012, 12:31:47 AM »

You two must have terribly sore fingers. I applaud your typing, but I wish you would stop fighting and blaming each other the way you do. Probably if you met face to face, you would enjoy each others company. I am also not a racist in any form, but I will applaud the day that Barack Obama is out of office in our great nation.

One day at a time, thats all I can do.
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« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2012, 12:34:49 AM »

You two must have terribly sore fingers. I applaud your typing, but I wish you would stop fighting and blaming each other the way you do. Probably if you met face to face, you would enjoy each others company. I am also not a racist in any form, but I will applaud the day that Barack Obama is out of office in our great nation.

Dear Jean, I have only defended myself from false accusations, not sure why you think I am fighting. Strong defense, yes. Fighting no.

Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
Incenter Dialysis starting 2-1-2007
Self Care in Center from 4-15-2008 to 6-2-2009
Started  Home Care with NxStage 6-2-2009 (Qb 370, FF 45%, 40L)

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« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2012, 12:36:52 AM »

Well, let's see.

Saul Alinski/Obama connection. Listen to what Alinski's son wrote.

Barack Obama's training in Chicago by the great community organizers is showing its effectiveness. It is an amazingly powerful format, and the method of my late father always works to get the message out and get the supporters on board. When executed meticulously and thoughtfully, it is a powerful strategy for initiating change and making it really happen. Obama learned his lesson well.


Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
Incenter Dialysis starting 2-1-2007
Self Care in Center from 4-15-2008 to 6-2-2009
Started  Home Care with NxStage 6-2-2009 (Qb 370, FF 45%, 40L)

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« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2012, 12:38:23 AM »


Obama has the power to veto and not likely to have gotten an override. Instead, he will go down in history as the President who did sign  this document.

Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
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« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2012, 12:43:26 AM »

Are we going to fight the civil rights battle over again. They won if you don't recall. BTW, how has the first black president improved things for his own people? Have you seen the black unemployment rates. Seems quite a few black leaders are unhappy with their commander in chief:


Peter Laird, MD
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« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2012, 12:45:45 AM »

Obama Apology tour:


Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
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« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2012, 01:02:18 AM »

Obama insults to England:


Peter Laird, MD
Diagnosed with IgA nephropathy 1998
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« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2012, 06:45:31 AM »

Obama Apology tour:

Speaking in Marshalltown on Friday, Santorum repeated the conservative canard that Obama had gone around the world apologizing for America. Here’s his quote: “When he went out around the world in his first trip and apologized for America, it was because he thinks that America needed to apologized for,” Santorum declared.

That charge is a favorite trope of conservative polemicists, but it simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. The Washington Post has examined the record in detail, comparing what Obama has said on his foreign trips with what other presidents have said. The Post’s conclusion: “The claim that Obama repeatedly has apologized for the United States is not borne out by the facts …. Republicans may certainly disagree with Obama’s handling of foreign policy or particular policies he has pursued, but they should not invent a storyline that does not appear to exist.” It rated the apology claim a whopper.

The Associated Press has also examined the “apologized for America” charge. The news organization concluded: “Obama has not apologized for America. What he has done, in travels early in his presidency and since, is to make clear his belief that the US is not beyond reproach… But there has been no formal – or informal – apology. No saying ‘sorry’ on behalf of America.”

Politifact.com, the Pulitzer Prize-winning truth-squad website, has also called the accusation false, saying that it was “incorrect … to portray these early speeches as part of a global apology tour,” and adding that, using the conservative standard, “you could argue that any change in foreign policy that’s undertaken after a presidential transition an announced to the world would constitute an ‘apology’ for the previous policy.”

So after the event, I noted to Santorum that fact-checkers had examined the charge exhaustively and labeled it untrue and asked why, that being the case, he was repeating it.

“Because he did,” Santorum replied, matter-of-factly.
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« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2012, 06:46:04 AM »

Obama Apology tour:

Also to prove that WSJ is not a News Paper to report the News but a right-wing Propaganda machine to set the agenda for the benefit of the Rich, Big Corporations and Big Military consider the FACT that 99.9% of the Articles that WSJ wrote about Iraq War were in support of Iraq war.
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« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2012, 07:28:38 AM »

"Maybe we need to find someone who really has this Country in their best interest and move forward...I don't care what gender or what color, I just want someone who really knows what they are doing."

This implies that our current president doesn't have this country in his best interest, and I resent that.  You can disagree all you want with any policy decision he has made, but to imply that he doesn't care about the United States is wrong.  How do you come to this conclusion?  With respect, have you ever had a personal conversation with him that would make you think that he has given three years of his and his family's lives to guide this nation through difficult times just for a laugh?  I'm sorry, but that is incredibly disrespectful to make such an odious charge.

And you, Hemodoc, you seem to think that you and people you deem to be "like you" are the only ones who value work, personal responsibility and freedom.  My husband works two jobs, and my neighbors scrap for every construction job going.  I want to know, right here and now, exactly which "freedoms" you think someone is going to take away from you?  You keep banging on and on about "freedom and liberty", yet you are not terribly specific about what it is you think you have lost or stand to lose.  So how about sharing that with us?  And how about also telling us how you think one American president is going to single handedly ruin this country.

The tea party doesn't have a monopoly on patriotism, my friend, nor are they the only people who value those things that you value, and I think you should stop implying that you are the only American who has worked hard and who wants to support his family.  You have interacted and have explained your views very well, but in doing so, you have tried to devalue anyone who might see the world a bit differently and who might have a different but still noble set of values and opinions. 

You didn't read that article, did you.  I know you didn't,  I can tell, and that says a lot.  It says that you will not even TRY to view the world from a different vantage point, not even TRY to imagine a different set of life experiences. 

Your world view is stuck in a morass of victimhood, and that cannot make you happy, it just cannot.   You have decried our inability to engage in civil discourse, yet you persist in this victimized mindset, so certain that you are degraded for being a man of faith and a man who applauds personal responsibility.  Anyone who might have a different view is so very wrong, so very misguided, so deluded, so devalued in your eyes.  The Lord your Savior gave you eyes so that you can see, but you will not.  You will not entertain the mere notion that you might possibly be wrong. 

You know, I don't usually take things personally.  I like to think that I have enough respect for people that I want to hear their views...the hows and the whys.  But I don't think you have heard one single thing I have tried to say to you.  I don't think you have given me enough respect to listen.  You've not reacted to a single one of my posts except to chastise me for some unseen and unintentional slight that you've perceived that I have wreaked upon you.  I do not care if you or if anyone else agrees or disagrees with a single word that I post, but I'm a bit tired of being ignored at best or dismissed at worst.

If the GOP truly cared about this nation, and I do believe that many do, they would have put up a much better field than Newt Gingrich, who is a vile and arrogant man.  He is mentally ill, I'm convinced of it.  He has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder, and this nation will erupt if that man is elected.  Mitt Romney is a corporate shill who doesn't know what to believe nor what to work for.  He has no goals and if he did, he has no idea how to meet them, and if he thinks that being a "businessman" gives him the experience to be the President of the United States of America, then we can all go to meet our Maker right now because there is not a single person on this forum who is good for the blessed "bottom line".  We are costing the American taxpayers money in keeping us alive, so what makes you think that Mr Romney is going to keep us around?  We're not profitable.  We need federal assistance to stay alive, people...is a "businessman" going to spend money on unprofitable people like us?  That's just bloody brilliant.  The GOP in its present form cares nothing about investing in our nation because if they did, they'd have put up more viable and psychologically balanced candidates for us to choose from.  And they would also prohibit Mr. Romney from talking about "class warfare."

I'm sorry you don't like it that some people in the Tea Party movement are perceived as racist, but you're going to have to live with it. 

You are right...false accusations shall not prevail.  Those who believe that this President is igniting class warfare and that  the Occupy message of preservation of the middle class is nothing more than anarchy WILL see a backlash against this constant and pervasive lie.  And that backlash will happen in the voting booth.  Americans believe in their DNA that this should be a nation of fair play, built upon the hard labor of the middle class of ALL colors, that the United States of America belong to ALL of us, from the mighty to the weakened, to ALL of us who have made our lives here, who have raised our families here, who work two or three jobs here, yet who are told that we are not worth the investment.

Good night, and good luck.

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« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2012, 07:54:59 AM »

Also to prove that WSJ is not a News Paper to report the News but a right-wing Propaganda machine to set the agenda for the benefit of the Rich, Big Corporations and Big Military consider the FACT that 99.9% of the Articles that WSJ wrote about Iraq War were in support of Iraq war.
Scary! And telling!

Murdoch's company owns the Wall Street Journal. This is a man with so little shame that his journalists interfered with a murdered girl's mobile phone, giving false hope to her parents that she was still alive. Vile cannot even begin to describe Murdoch's operations - all in pursuit of more, more, more, MORE billions of dollars.

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« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2012, 09:00:02 AM »

Sorry Moosemom but I will stand in front or behind my statements.
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« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2012, 09:12:26 AM »

Just adding my 2 Cents..... Do you all really believe that the President (Any President) really has the power to change things?   

You know he's just a puppet for the real government underground power

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« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2012, 09:51:21 AM »

Gettin back to the topic of racism accusations, listen to the rhetoric of a vocal black congressman and what he has to say to Obama. Can't call that statement racially motivated, but somehow someone will.


I suspect that Obama is underestimating the anger that his disrespect of this nation has caused. False accusations of racism only add fuel to that underlying anger at Obama. We will see election day with or without a strong GOP candidate. That is not the issue in the end. The issue will be whether people believe that Obama is taking America in the right direction. At the end of the day, that is all that will matter.

Peter Laird, MD
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« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2012, 09:56:05 AM »

Jean, I have mad typing skills!  LOL!  And I have no doubt that should I ever get to meet Hemodoc, we'd have a smashing great time.  I think I will add "Meet Hemodoc" on my bucket list.  And I don't see this as fighting, so please don't worry. 


1.  The Daily Telegraph is Britain's conservative mouthpiece and always has been.  I personally read The Independent as I try to get a more balanced view of things from the UK, but I do read the Telegraph on a more or less regular basis and have done on and off for almost 30 years now.  Toby Harden is their DC based reporter, and he regularly writes this kind of anti-American tripe as does much of the Telegraph's US staff.  The Brits have been banging on for decades about what they perceive to be American devaluation of the "Special Relationship".   I could bang on myself, but my years of living over there probably wouldn't serve to convince you of anything.

I am not sure I understand why Americans would care so much about Mr. Obama removing a statue of Churchill (who fervently wanted the US to enter WWII, and the fact that we did not until after Pearl Harbor STILL rankles with the English...OMG, did I hear about THAT a lot!) and replacing it with a true American hero, Abraham Lincoln.  If any other president had done the same, Americans would have lauded the move, celebrating the fact that our President wanted to celebrate our greatest US President.  But because it was Mr. OBAMA that did this, oh, well, Churchill is suddenly so important to us.  Hmmmm......

Please don't use the Telegraph to illustrate your arguments.  I'd have to repeat "They would say that, wouldn't they?"

Same goes for the WSJ, aka Fox News in Print.  Murdoch is a monster and his staff is unscrupulous, yet these are the organizations you use to support your arguments?  Perhaps you should think about a change.

Again, we could all find links to articles that support whatever viewpoint we want to put forward.  Just because they are in print doesn't mean they are fact.  When you read your Telegraph article, it is an essay of opinion, not journalistic reporting.  Look closely at the language used.  It's one man's opinion.

By the way, you referenced the Queen earlier.  Well, I have actually met the Queen, and she NEVER feels "disrespected".   How could she?  She's the Queen!!  THE QUEEN!"

2.  I am very, very interested in your comment re the civil rights movement.  You said, "THEY won."  And then you asked how Mr. Obama is doing for "his own people."  Oh, I am rather shocked as this pretty much sums it all up, doesn't it.  Who is "they"?  We ALL won when ALL Americans were granted their freedoms and the right to exercise their rights in peace.  And we ALL of us are Mr. Obama's people because we are ALL AMERICANS.  You have just demonstrated this idea that the President is "other", which is what is REALLY dividing this nation.  You may not see this as racist, but I do. 

3.  I also notice that you never call President Obama "president" or "Mr."   Just "Obama".  Disrespectful.  When you are upset about the uncivil discourse in this country, perhaps it would be nice if you could show a bit more respect for the President that was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Sluff, be my guest to stand anywhere you like, but that doesn't make it true that the President doesn't care about this country.  That's one of those flippant comments that are constantly thrown around about which you have no proof.  You are welcome to disagree vehemently with any policy for any reason based in fact, but "he doesn't care about the country' is NOT based in fact.  You've just parroted some Fox News talking point.  Take this opportunity to shout if you want, too, but again, it doesn't make you right.  Who issued the order to assassinate OBL?  We have ourselves a bad-ass president!  Oh, but he doesn't care...

Riverwhispering, no, any one president can't make wholesale changes without the consent of Congress, and Congress has been bought by the lobbyists.  We are no longer a democracy although we like to think we are.  We are now an oligarchy, and it is Congress that has delivered us to the buyers of power.

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