Sounds like your doctor better spend a little more time reading than golfing! Burns me up that we have to tell them what is hot and what is not in the dialysis world!
I use Extraneal (UK) but im not sure if Icodextrin Extraneal is the same? It more than likely is i expect.Right extraneal is used for long dwells, im on a cycler so my daytime dwell is extraneal , when i did manual CAPD my night time dwell was extraneal. While it is very good at pulling fluid off it DOES NOT pull off any toxins. So you cannot use it all the time in place of your other fluid. Extraneal is usually only used once a day or night because of this.There is only one strength .Yes i still have some residual kidney function , but its getting less and less.So your doctor is probably right in saying no way are people only dialyzing twice a day with it , i think you might of misunderstood its use ? Great for pulling fluid off ..doesnt pull of toxins
I use icodextrin during the day, but am on the cycler at night. This means I don't have to do a bag at all during the day. If I were you I'd be asking about getting on to a cycler. Believe me, it's sooooo good not having to do anything during the day. I'm not sure how it works over there, but here (New Zealand) there's a waiting list.
George can still use Extraneal doing manuals .. it is used for your overnight fill.