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Author Topic: What pets do you have? Feel free to post pics!  (Read 425842 times)
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« Reply #2050 on: August 12, 2013, 11:32:29 PM »

alicatikins27, I just love your gang. What marvellous ears the little one (Merlin?) has.

UkTr (your full title is just too long!) - Tsaritsa looks wonderful!

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« Reply #2051 on: August 14, 2013, 10:17:38 AM »

Thank you Galvo Merlin was the runt of her litter so none wanted her, after we lost Mindy's mum, Cocoa to cancer I said "no more". when we saw Merlin, my husband said "aw she's all on her own" that did it she became our 5th furbaby. hubby chose the name as we were told she was a boy and he is into WW2 history. As Merlin has a powerful purr, hubby said it sounded like the Merlin engine hence the name. :D
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« Reply #2052 on: August 14, 2013, 10:54:35 AM »

alicatikins27 - The runts are usually the best!   :2thumbsup; 
Good for hubby for saying just the right words!  LOL!

Think GOD doesn't have a sense of humor?
HE created marriage and children.
Think about it! LOL!
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« Reply #2053 on: August 14, 2013, 12:39:45 PM »

 :2thumbsup; :2thumbsup; :2thumbsup;
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« Reply #2054 on: August 14, 2013, 05:42:40 PM »

one of our cats was a runt too.  His name was Screech.  He wasn't rejected by his mom, more neglected.  She doted on the other 3 kittens, but ignored him.  One night, when the other 3 kittens were asleep, the mom cat got up and left, and Screech was awake and all alone, so he started crying.  Bro listened to it for a little while, but then couldn't handle it anymore.  He went over, picked the little guy up, and took him over to the rocking chair and rocked him to sleep.  He allowed Bro and Mom to rock him to sleep like that till he was around 2 years old.  He was Bro's parrot cat, cuz he'd sit on Bro's shoulder.  Even when he was older and heavier, he'd flail himself over Bro's shoulder, and Bro would walk around all day like that.  He was also Dad's dog.  He would hear Dad's truck (18 wheeler) pull up.  He'd sit on the front step till the truck was shut down.  Dad usually sat in the truck doing up his paperwork before coming in, so when he got out of the truck, Screech was usually on the ground at the driver's side door waiting for him.  Screech would follow Dad around the house and sit at his feet, just like a dog would do.  I think Screech knew something was up.  He disappeared the same week Dad told us he was moving out.  We never found him.  That was 4 years ago.

Dialysis - Feb 1991-Oct 1992
transplant - Oct 1, 1992- Apr 2001
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dialysis - May 2004-present
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My son Roddy McSleepy at 6 months! sry pic sidewz

« Reply #2055 on: October 16, 2013, 07:50:22 PM »

Puar 7 years old, Nebulung (gray longhair). Sweetest girl ever!
Ravage, big black tomcat, very athletic and snuggly, 5 years old
Twix, trouble maker and food stealer, my Tortie shadow, 2 years old
My husband took the pics with his ipad.  I was trying to take a picture of a picture, which he felt was lame.  Puar is his princess,  when i told him i wanted a good pic of her, he was all into it....he loves for people to admire his favorite girl!  If you click on the pics, they will no longer be upside down!  I love my babies!

« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 07:56:01 PM by MomoMcSleepy » Logged

35 years old, first dx w/  chronic renal insufficiency at  28, pre-dialysis

born with persistent cloaca--have you heard of it?  Probably not, that's ok.

lots of surgeries, solitary left kidney (congenital)

chronic uti's/pyelonephritis

AV fistula May 2012
Kidney Transplant from my husband Jan. 16, 2013
Howard the Duck
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« Reply #2056 on: October 16, 2013, 10:45:47 PM »

A lovely gang, Momo! The torty sure looks a villain!

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« Reply #2057 on: October 17, 2013, 11:23:40 AM »

Love the photos, Momo!
I'm a sucker for black kitties so I would tend to go for Ravage (Love the name!)

Think GOD doesn't have a sense of humor?
HE created marriage and children.
Think about it! LOL!
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My son Roddy McSleepy at 6 months! sry pic sidewz

« Reply #2058 on: October 19, 2013, 06:16:03 AM »

A lovely gang, Momo! The torty sure looks a villain!
Thank you, galvo!   She is pretty villainous, she runs the show too.  My husband didn't do anything to make her punch the air like that, she's just very feisty. We're on a trip right now and I miss them very much!

35 years old, first dx w/  chronic renal insufficiency at  28, pre-dialysis

born with persistent cloaca--have you heard of it?  Probably not, that's ok.

lots of surgeries, solitary left kidney (congenital)

chronic uti's/pyelonephritis

AV fistula May 2012
Kidney Transplant from my husband Jan. 16, 2013
Howard the Duck
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« Reply #2059 on: October 22, 2013, 08:06:05 PM »

Here's my Timo in his Halloween costume!
His t-shirt says, "Shiver me timbers and scratch me belly!"

Think GOD doesn't have a sense of humor?
HE created marriage and children.
Think about it! LOL!
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« Reply #2060 on: October 22, 2013, 08:09:53 PM »

So cool, CebuShan!

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Photo is Jenna - after Disneyland - 1988

« Reply #2061 on: December 06, 2013, 06:27:22 PM »

Ever since our cat passed away in July, we have only had the tortoises (I love them, but they went into hibernation a month ago) so I told Jenna she could pick out a new pet. I don't know if it's because she started PD or what, but she hasn't made the move to go to the shelter to find a rescue to adopt. I might have to do something soon. Missing the pet therapy!

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
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News video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-7KvgQDWpU
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« Reply #2062 on: December 06, 2013, 08:07:39 PM »

I don't know what I would do without my pets!

Think GOD doesn't have a sense of humor?
HE created marriage and children.
Think about it! LOL!
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« Reply #2063 on: December 12, 2013, 02:54:12 PM »

I have two dogs. Stosh is in my avatar picture with me. He is a 100 pound Rottweiler/Border Collie mix.  And Khloe who is a Great Pyrenees and we think just a bit of Retriever mix in the image below. Both are rescue dogs and they are my best pals. Khloe is an enchantress and Stosh is just a great guy. I love them both so much.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 02:56:30 PM by Shaks24 » Logged

Congestive heart failure 2011
Currently about 19% Kidney Function
September 11, 2013 PD Catheter and Fistula Surgery
September 27, 2013 Started PD
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« Reply #2064 on: December 13, 2013, 08:36:05 PM »

They look great!

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« Reply #2065 on: December 14, 2013, 05:30:21 AM »

Thanks Galvo. They are such loving creatures. Its hard to believe people mistreat them. Poor Khloe had a BB pellet inbedded in her left ear when we got her. We had it removed when she got fixed. And Stosh was abandoned on a farm when he was a pup. Now they are my family.

Congestive heart failure 2011
Currently about 19% Kidney Function
September 11, 2013 PD Catheter and Fistula Surgery
September 27, 2013 Started PD
Kitty Cat
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Lila & Smudgie

« Reply #2066 on: December 14, 2013, 02:19:12 PM »

This is the newest member of my family. His name is Rupurrt, he was very ill when he was found and needed emergency surgery. With all he has been through, he is the most loving little guy. Every night he needs to sleep with me, curled up in my arms. Before we fall asleep, we "chat" about the days events. I'll say something, he'll chirp an answer back and it goes on that way until we fall asleep. My two most recent adoptees before him, Cosmo & Rocky, take very good care of him. I have to figure out how to get the picture off my phone of all 3 of them sleeping on the cat tree. He's very lovable, he's about 8 months old now. He is crate trained (thank you foster mom!) I am slowly training him to be out while I'm not home, he's in the crate for his safety and my sanity!! I could write a book of all the mischief he's gotten into!!
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« Reply #2067 on: December 14, 2013, 04:39:12 PM »

During July 2008 a forest fire overran our home and burnt the place to the ground.  We rescued our pets then, a Border Collie mix and my cat, Molly.  Molly died a month later.  She just fell over and never got up.  Sophie, my beloved pooch died the following month.  It was tragic, I still have a photo of her above my computer.  At that time we were living in a rental that the insurance company provided.  I think both pets couldn’t handle the change.

While living there, a stray cat wanted in during a prolonged period of rain.  We made a cover for her in the outside wood pile where she stayed for about a week. Then I let her inside.  She headed for a closet and gave birth to a litter.  Joanie  (wife) was so excited it was impossible to describe.  Forevermore, this cat was known as Momma Kitty.  We still have her.

We kept four from the litter, gave away two others.  They were Sam, Max, Suzie, Mindy.  Sam ran away.  I still worry about him.  The we acquired Auggie the Doggie.  I saw Auggie in the pound and got the little rascal out of jail.  Chihuahua. He is a face licker.  When I go for my daily walk in the forest, what’s left of it, Auggie and Momma Kitty follow.  Neither of them ever loses sight of me.  Auggie dives under the covers at bedtime, sleeping at the foot of the bed.  All of the cats move around during the night.

The neighbor’s cat, Brewster, (I didn’t give him that name) invaded the house and caused a lot of trouble.  Brewster is a big muscular Tom.  He kept coming back.  Max challenged him and got beat-up kind of bad, so we took Brewster back home and complained.  The owner said it was our fault for having a pet door.  Remember, I live in the forest a 100 yards from anyone.  We keep Brewster out now.  So, this neighbor acquires two large dogs.  We shall see.  My pets are family, they have my protection.   Laying on the floor here, invites a pet attack.

Gerald Lively


Once upon a time I got sick.  I got cancer, cancer, cancer, and cancer.  Then I had renal failure, dialysis, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary embolism, gall bladder attack, macular degeneration, and a whole bunch of stuff.  I'll show you my scars if you show me yours.

I am not on dialysis any longer.  I am one of the lucky ones to have survived that ordeal. So I left the forum thinking only those who are on dialysis should speak out.  However, the Head-Mama invited me back. I will discuss anything you wish.  You should expect some corny jokes from me along the way.

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What's past is prologue

« Reply #2068 on: February 11, 2014, 05:49:56 AM »

This past Christmas my kids learnt that Santa will occasionally involve himself in re-homing pets. At about 6AM Christmas morning I awoke to hear Aidan saying "Mom, Mom! There's a cat in the house." I told him we'd deal with it later and tried to go back to sleep. Once we went downstairs to open presents, there was a note from Santa explaining that this was a 2-year-old Bengal/Persian mix named Romeo, and his family didn't feel they could keep him any longer due to the arrival of a new baby.

I told the boys that we could rename him if they liked, but they both said they liked the name Romeo. As Dyl said "A Tudor/Shakespeare name, it's perfect."

Gwyn's brother and sister-in-law are both veterinarians. They warned us not to get a Bengal as they can be quite violent, especially with other cats. Pure Bengal's look amazing though. I was hoping that Romeo's Persian side would balance out the Bengal as Persian's are quite docile. So far he's adapted beautifully to his new home and has only scratched the boys once or twice when he got a bit carried away with playing. The kids are showing no signs of getting bored with him, the opposite in fact, they come home from school and grab him like a favourite toy.

We haven't let him out of the house yet with all the illness insanity. When he sees other neighbourhood cats he goes positively bonkers and runs from window to window, up and down the stairs, sneering and hissing. We are long overdo letting him out but I do fear that he will hurt another cat. We don't have the capability of putting a cat flap in our door at the moment, but once we do, how do you keep other cats out? Or don't you?

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. - Philo of Alexandria

People have hope in me. - John Bul Dau, Sudanese Lost Boy
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« Reply #2069 on: February 11, 2014, 08:45:10 PM »

What a good boy he is, putting up with cuddles from the young 'uns! Sounds like he's going to be areal brawler with other cats. How about getting a harness to take him for 'walkies'? BTW he looks quite beautiful!

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What's past is prologue

« Reply #2070 on: February 12, 2014, 01:54:45 PM »

What a good boy he is, putting up with cuddles from the young 'uns! Sounds like he's going to be areal brawler with other cats. How about getting a harness to take him for 'walkies'? BTW he looks quite beautiful!
Aw, thanks, galvo! Yes, more than one friend has described Romeo as 'tolerant' after seeing how the kids manhandle him.

I think we will try the harness strategy once the weather cooperates. With potential 100mph winds over the next couple of days we might end up with a 'kitty kite' were we to try taking him out now!  :laugh:

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. - Philo of Alexandria

People have hope in me. - John Bul Dau, Sudanese Lost Boy
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Photo is Jenna - after Disneyland - 1988

« Reply #2071 on: February 16, 2014, 10:46:44 PM »

Love Romeo!!  :-* :-* :-*

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
Living Donors Rock! http://www.livingdonorsonline.org -
News video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-7KvgQDWpU
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« Reply #2072 on: February 17, 2014, 02:43:42 AM »

We are long overdo letting him out but I do fear that he will hurt another cat. We don't have the capability of putting a cat flap in our door at the moment, but once we do, how do you keep other cats out? Or don't you?

If he's microchipped you can get special cat flaps which will only let him in and out. I don't know how it works; it must be magic.  We don't have a cat flap, but we'd have a magic-microchip one if we were to have one put in, mostly because Qyzy likes to bring his friends home. He's trying to turn me into a crazy cat lady.

How about getting a harness to take him for 'walkies'?

My Moggly-Moo hated going in a basket so much that he ALWAYS poo'd in it (even on really short two-minute trips to the vets). I considered getting a harness so that I could walk/carry him when we needed to take him somewhere but the vet told me it was a bad idea.  Something to do with other animals (dogs) being able to attack and him not being able to scarper (because obviously I wouldn't be keeping an eye out for dangers *rolling of eyes*).  I would still consider a harness, but only for a very young cat so that he gets used to it from an early age.

When he sees other neighbourhood cats he goes positively bonkers and runs from window to window, up and down the stairs, sneering and hissing. We are long overdo letting him out but I do fear that he will hurt another cat.

I assume he's neutered? And insured?  He looks like the sort of beautiful cat that someone might want to claim for their own. You'll probably let him out and he'll suddenly realise he doesn't have the safety of four walls and glass and he'll cower in the garden like a big wuss!  ;D

- wife of kidney recepient (10/2011) -
venting myself online since 2003 (personal blog)
grumbles of a dialysis wife-y (kidney blog)
sometimes i take pictures (me, on flickr)

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.
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What's past is prologue

« Reply #2073 on: February 17, 2014, 11:13:11 AM »

Love Romeo!!  :-* :-* :-*
Aw, thanks!

Well.... We let him out! We took him out once with the harness, then I decided we just needed to go for it. Aidan was away, but it was so beautifully sunny here yesterday that I felt we couldn't afford to miss this opportunity at a calm, dry day for his first venture. At first Gwyn and Dyl went out with him, and you could tell he was confused about the whole thing. He only stayed out a few minutes, then returned. Then a bit longer next time. Then a bit longer, climbed the walls to our garden and went off to explore. The final time we let him out last night and he disappeared for four hours. I was getting worried, but he reappeared on part of our roof and I let him in via Aidan's window.

We have now started leaving a kitchen window open for him to enter/exit. We do have a neighbourhood cat who likes to hang out in our garden and garage. They met for the first time today, no barriers. They faced off for a few minutes, both hissing wildly but neither one pushing it to the next level. Finally I sent Dyl out to chase the non-resident cat away. It has put me at ease because Romeo was nowhere near as aggressive as I pictured.
If he's microchipped you can get special cat flaps which will only let him in and out. I don't know how it works; it must be magic.  We don't have a cat flap, but we'd have a magic-microchip one if we were to have one put in, mostly because Qyzy likes to bring his friends home. He's trying to turn me into a crazy cat lady.
He is microchipped! This sounds like a wonderful solution. We just need a door that isn't made almost entirely of frosted glass and we'll be good to go! Thanks!

I assume he's neutered? And insured?  He looks like the sort of beautiful cat that someone might want to claim for their own. You'll probably let him out and he'll suddenly realise he doesn't have the safety of four walls and glass and he'll cower in the garden like a big wuss!  ;D
I read about you having a neighbour who decided to help herself to your cat. I find that so bizarre but I guess it could happen. He is definitely neutered but I don't think insured. Do you mean insured medically? At a push we always have Gwyn's brother down toward London if he needs an expensive procedure.

And while the word wuss might be too strong, he is certainly not the ferocious descendant of wildcats that I was warned about and expecting! :)

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. - Philo of Alexandria

People have hope in me. - John Bul Dau, Sudanese Lost Boy
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« Reply #2074 on: May 26, 2014, 05:14:15 PM »

We have a 10gal tank of fish, guppies mostly.

And we have a 6 month old hedgehog...


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