What is a loach?
my poor kitty threw up next to the bed yesterday.. which was unfortunate as I didn't see it and... well.. yo get the idea...... but she was very apologetic and sweet when she felt all better again and I was watching a video on my laptop lying propped up on my bed and she came and came and sat on my shoulder and watched with me
Here's another, my cocker mix. I raised her from less than 2 weeks old. She almost died twice - once from puppy strangles, second time from parvo. I had a mini-hospital set up in my bedroom for almost a month, with iv drip, iv drugs, etc. (I work for a vet but she wasn't allowed in clinic b/c of possibility of spreading parvo.) Now she is a complete brat with no manners and I have no one to blame but myself because I spoiled her. This pic was taken when she was about 5-6 weeks old I believe.