True Story. When i finally succumbed to the fact i had to go back on dialysis my first day there was anything but pleasent. Now i waited till my creatine was 10.3. I remember waking up and finding i couldn't walk. I had some kind of what i would call gout. My right wrist was locked in sever pain. So was my left hip and ankle. I was in so much pain i didn't know what to do. How i made it driving to dialysis i will never know. Once there i was hooked up and after my four hours still felt the same way. A nurse was in charge of me that day. She kept saying after i was done come on lets go someone else is waiting for the chair. She actually packed my things in haste and walked me out to the waiting room. I was in shock but thought i had better try and drive home. I went out to my truck and just cried from the pain. I called my brother and asked if he could help. He was busy. So i used my right leg for the clutch and gas. I made it home and sat in my truck till i felt i could walk again. As the days passed i started to feel better. The lack of compassion and care i am used to from doctors and nurses. This nurse however after talking with about a year later said to me "Yea, i remember your first day we were told you needed dialysis but weren't insured." She also said with a laugh "I thought you were faking it." Not surprising.
So, you can drive while on dialysis?
Believe it or not, we actually have a couple of guys who come in about half drunk on a regular basis. I guess the dialysis sobers them up.