Jr. Member

Posts: 89
Me and the boys
« on: April 10, 2008, 08:36:34 PM » |
Hi yep Feb my catheter was put in and to date still not working arghh..I spoke with surgeon today who was not very convincing. He said he can go in there but according to the CtScans everything is in place so they can put me under do laproscopic (sp?) and may still not work... I wish they would just take this damn thing out and start over !! my creatine is now 6.7 and dr has no sense of urgency..Oh well you can go probably past 10..ok so forget about the large amount of weight i am losing on daily basis, the shortness of breathe just taking a shower, the tiredness all the time, the no appetiite..etc etc well we can wait.. i am fed up I need a dr who understands what is going on and will do something..pls anyone know of a friendly office with a dr who is knowledgeable with pd?