If you've read my "introduction", you'll know that I've been on in-center hemodialysis since May using a temporary Tesio catheter in my chest. I love the clinic that I go to. My nurse is an angel, and the rest of the staff (and some of the other patients) are so full of friendly faces, smiles, and camraderie.

Unfortunately, my veins are extremely small, so the 3 surgeries in my arm have been unsuccessful (AV fistula, angioplasty, and revised fistula).

My only option is to switch to peritoneal dialysis. I had the pd catheter inserted 2 weeks, ago. I think all is going well so far . . . I begin "at home pd" next Wednesday - Halloween! Hope I get a treat and not a trick!!
I feel ok, right now , about switching to pd, but prior to my surgery, I was still absolutely not wanting to switch, and was scared and panicked! I think I might have even posted about my anxiety on the boards, but I can't find it, so I must not have completed the posting in my panic and dismay!

Even though I don't mind going to the clinic 3 times a week, I can now see the benefits of being able to perform my exchanges at home-sweet-home (even though I must do them every day). uh-oh . . . the dark side is pulling me back . . . 3 days a week opposed to every day . . . !
I do now accept my pd fate. I embrace it enthusiastically - why not?!

I'm 5'3" 95 lbs. I'll be filling 1.5 litres of solution.
If you are a pd patient, I'd LOVE to hear from you.

I normally wear jeans, but I tried on a pair in 1 size larger to accomodate my soon to be expanding waistline, and even if the waist had fit, the jeans would have looked horrible everywhere else.
My husband took me to Patagonia, and I found some cute draw string yoga pants. These might work!
If you are on pd, what kind of pants do you wear? And if you don't mind me asking . . . how many inches did your waistline increase? My nephrologist keeps telling me to expect to look 6 months pregnant! Is he right?
If you have any tips for me, I'd appreciate them! If not, a friendly *hello* will be great!!!
Were you previously on hemo and switched, like me?
The good . . . the bad . . . and the not so bad! I can take it - I'm a tough cookie - I welcome all your info!
Thank you in advance!

to my fellow exisiting/current pd friends.
EDITED: Moved post to proper thread "Home Dialysis" - Goofynina/Admin.