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Author Topic: Leaving in clinic hemo for at home pd (I'm a little nervous)  (Read 3456 times)
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« on: October 27, 2007, 11:47:56 PM »

If you've read my "introduction", you'll know that I've been on in-center hemodialysis since May using a temporary Tesio catheter in my chest.  I love the clinic that I go to.  My nurse is an angel, and the rest of the staff (and some of the other patients) are so full of friendly faces, smiles, and camraderie.   :2thumbsup;

Unfortunately, my veins are extremely small, so the 3 surgeries in my arm have been unsuccessful (AV fistula, angioplasty, and revised fistula).  :thumbdown;

My only option is to switch to peritoneal dialysis. I had the pd catheter inserted 2 weeks, ago. I think all is going well so far . . . I begin "at home pd" next Wednesday - Halloween!  Hope I get a treat and not a trick!!

I feel ok, right now , about switching to pd, but prior to my surgery, I was still absolutely not wanting to switch, and was scared and panicked!  I think I might have even posted about my anxiety on the boards, but I can't find it, so I must not have completed the posting in my panic and dismay!  :o

Even though I don't mind going to the clinic 3 times a week, I can now see the benefits of being able to perform my exchanges at home-sweet-home (even though I must do them every day). uh-oh . . . the dark side is pulling me back . . . 3 days a week opposed to every day . . . !
I do now accept my pd fate.  I embrace it enthusiastically - why not?!  :cuddle;

I'm 5'3" 95 lbs.  I'll be filling 1.5 litres of solution.

If you are a pd patient, I'd LOVE to hear from you.   :waving;

I normally wear jeans, but I tried on a pair in 1 size larger to accomodate my soon to be expanding waistline, and even if the waist had fit, the jeans would have looked horrible everywhere else.

My husband took me to Patagonia, and I found some cute draw string yoga pants.  These might work!

If you are on pd, what kind of pants do you wear?  And if you don't mind me asking . . . how many inches did your waistline increase?  My nephrologist keeps telling me to expect to look 6 months pregnant!  Is he right? 
If you have any tips for me, I'd appreciate them!  If not, a friendly *hello* will be great!!!
Were you previously on hemo and switched, like me?
The good . . . the bad . . . and the not so bad!  I can take it - I'm a tough cookie - I welcome all your info!

Thank you in advance!  :thx;

 :bow; to my fellow exisiting/current pd friends.


EDITED:  Moved post to proper thread "Home Dialysis" - Goofynina/Admin.


« Last Edit: October 28, 2007, 05:12:35 PM by goofynina » Logged

Kidneys damaged by hypertension/scleroderma 1987
In-center Hemodialysis:  May 2007 - October 2007
Switched to Manual PD October '07 - January '08
Switched to PD Nighttime Cycler January '08
Kidney transplant from living related donor June 2008
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« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2007, 06:01:15 AM »

Wishing you luck in switching to PD. :grouphug;
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« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2007, 07:08:12 AM »

It's nice to hear that you have been having such a good experience at you dialysis clinic. One of the big problems you face at a clinic with a catheter is the high rate of infections.  Just doing dialysis at home reduces the chance of infection. One thing I really enjoyed while on PD was being able to take a shower.  This is a no-no with my current catheter.

No modality is perfect, so I looked for those elements that suited my lifestyle.  PD was Ideal because I was able to work a full time job.  I could shower. The reduced chance of infection.  Independence and freedom from clinic schedules.  Being in control of my treatment.  Fewer diet restrictions.  Daily treatments were more gentle than three times a week treatments while on clinic dialysis.  The ability to travel and take my own equipment with me. In general I felt much better while on PD than I ever did on in-center dialysis.

I did not experience your concern about getting into a pair of jeans because of carrying the fluid during the day.  I was a pretty big boy while I was on PD so an extra two ponds was not very noticeable.  You may notice the difference.

You  express a concern about daily dialysis vs three times a week.  When I did in-center dialysis I lost an entire day for a four hour dialysis session.  Between traveling to and from the center and not feeling that great afterward the day was shot.  I did PD at night and when I got my schedule ironed out the worst thing that happened was that I went to bed a little earlier than usual.  I had a TV in the room so it was no big deal.  Dialysis happened while I slept so there was no loss of time involved.  For me, this was ideal.

I unfortunately had unrelated medical problems and my PD catheter had to be removed.

I have only positive things to say about PD and I wish you great success as you give it a try.

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« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2007, 05:18:02 PM »

Hello  :waving;   I was in-center for 3 years before switching to PD and let me tell you, it was the best move i ever made, i dont mind doing it every night, i feel so much better and  :secret; the diet and fluid isnt as restricted  :yahoo;  Please feel free to ask any questions, we are here to help any way we can.  I only wear stretchy pants, and i am fine, i was big before i started and, well, i guess i am now bigger  :P  But my weight hasnt increased, just my belly, oh well,  what'cha gonna do huh?  Hope all goes well for you, just remember, your not alone, we are only a keyboard away if any problems or questions arise.  Good luck  :2thumbsup;

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« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2007, 07:22:45 PM »

Hi Charlene,

I also am a PD patient. I have never done haemo so I can't advise on that but I find PD to fit into my lifestyle. I do one manual (CAPD) exchange during the day and am on the cycler(APD) every night. Therefore I carry fluid all the time. I have polycystic kidneys so I already had an enlarged abdomen. I suppose it has increased in size since starting PD but I try not to let it bother me. I still wear jeans and normal clothes. But I have gone up a size. I have also not been as active as I was before starting dialysis. I try to dress to my body shape and avoid drawing attention to my stomach  :o  Sometimes it can be a little tricky.

PD gives you more dialysis than in-centre 3 days per week Haemo so in the long run I think you will feel better. Good luck with it all.    :cuddle;

June 2005 Commenced PD Dialysis
July 13th 2009 Cadaveric 5/6 Antigen Match Transplant from my Special Angel
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« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2007, 07:36:27 AM »

Thanks to everyone who responded.  Your good wishes and support are helping me to feel more confident about what the future holds.  I think its going to be ok!  I really appreciate everyone's input!!! :cuddle;

PS Sorry I posted in the wrong section.

Kidneys damaged by hypertension/scleroderma 1987
In-center Hemodialysis:  May 2007 - October 2007
Switched to Manual PD October '07 - January '08
Switched to PD Nighttime Cycler January '08
Kidney transplant from living related donor June 2008
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« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2007, 08:02:03 AM »

Not to worry...going from a clinic to dialysis at home has to be such an improvement and not just in modality.  Think of all the nonsense you were exposed to in the clinic that won't happen at home anymore.  No more little chamber of horrors.  I think you'll like it.  Good luck!
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