Davita is a great company and they do great things for everyone. they care about patients and teammates. they also care about patients in other countries that are not fortunate to have the government backing that the great usa has. we are very lucky to live in the usa and have choices. why put down a company? yes they are for profit but what company isnt. would you really want your dialysis run by the fed. gov??? I think not. This is a caring company and they give so much to the community's you live in. So what is the big deal about national meetings? All companies have them. It is big fun, we work hard and why not have a meeting to meet our teammates and help each other? Just because we work in healthcare is that a reason we are excempt from a good time? Our job is hard, stress some times but we love you and care about you or we wouldnt be here. Let me remind you, FA's job is not pt care.... We are hired to manage every detail in our clinics. staffing, outcomes. budgets, contracts. etc........ We do the best we can and hope our patients and teammates are happy. Its sad that some people have such a pathetic life that they have nothing better to do than put people down . Lets just be grateful we live in america and have choices. God loves us all.. Dont judge..... He will do that for us. Live your life and dont worry about what others are doing.. Be thankful....