Today we took one of our Goddaughters out to eat, we got to let her choose and she chose pizza (i had a salad)
Anyways, the number they gave us to put on our table was my lucky number 23, i was so excited, seems like anytime that number comes up for me, something good happens and it did. We used to live in this house (which i loved so much) i ran my daycare from it, had so many parties there, just alot of good wonderful memories, and when i got sick, my sister sold it and we moved in with my mom, i cannot tell you how upset i was (still am a little) over losing that house. Just the memories alone in that home makes me smile just thinking about them. Anyways, after we left the pizza place, we drove by it (like we usually do) they were having a yard sale and the garage doors were open, of course me being the big baby that i am started getting all excited so Sam pulled over and then i chickened out, i stayed in the car and Sam and Brittany got off. Brit came back and told me that the lady let him go in the house and take a look so i got off and went inside. It was one of the most bestest experiences I have had in such a long time, i have sooooooo many dreams of that house. I know it doesnt seem like a big deal, but it is something MAJOR that has happened to me today and i wanted to share it with all of you, i am literally on cloud 9 right now. Does anyone else have a lucky number or anything else that is lucky for them?