Do you have high blood pressure? I was put on water pills for that, but taken off when my kidney function got very low. I'm assuming that if I get a transplant, I will be put back on all the medication I was taken off of due to knackered kidneys. This will presumably include water pills for high blood pressure.
Hi Aaiha, is your face swollen around your eyes? If so, it’s liquid, if not it could be from PrednisonSome bp meds make you retain liquid too.Good luck my darling, love, Cas
I have minimal residual kidney function, after a monster heart attack in 2016 I also suffer from congestive heart failure. Late last summer my fistula had began to swell. It got so bad my knuckles disappeared. The only thing that worked in getting the swelling down was the lasix pills my cardiologist prescribed. While my output went up slightly the effects on my hand was immediate and dramatic my nephrologist feels the lasix moved the fluid from my hand and made it more removable during dialysis.
Always a good idea to discuss it with your dr. I remember I only needed and was prescribed ‘water pills’ after I started losing my dad’s kidney. They are not very good for kidney’s, those pills. I used Solidago (herbal) when I wasn’t allowed Frusemide(Lasix), which worked for years.
The solution is to get your water pill Rxs from a transplant nephrologist and no one else.Lasix(Frusemide) works on the proximal (ascending) side of the Loop of Henle and Clortahalidone works on the distal(descending) side of the loop.I know from personal experience that a little bit of each can have a profound reducing effect on Cankles, but the medical people call it pedal edema. If it's pitting (depression remains after pressing and removing a finger into the cankle) it's definitely time for a talk at your next xplant maintenance appointment.
Could you explain that further. Furesomide works where?