I guess in one way, it's a good think that IHD doesn't feel like a part of your life, anymore, probably because it doesn't need to be. Yeah, that's a good thing.
But you know, it's good for us tx peeps to see posts like this, posts where you just tell us normal stuff of normal life. Stuff like maybe getting a new cat to go with your reptiles. Posts that don't focus primarily on creatinine or DSA or tac or biopsies or labs or infections or alphabet viruses.
Still, I envy your creatinine level. The lowest mine has ever been was 1.04 this time last year, but to be fair, all of my other numbers have been "normal" for the 7 years of my tx. I can't imagine having labs done only every 6 months and clinic visits only ever two years! What a luxury! That's fantastic!
Thanks for the update, Deanne. Please come back from time to time, but only if you want to.