Hello all, the name is John/Jayy, I am 25 y/o and been on dialysis for about 3 years now. Currently on HD using AV fistula( hating the bumpy arm due to aneurysm btw
) but used to be on PD for 2 years.
At one point, I noticed the growth of my fistula, developing bumps and looking like an alien hand or some sort, so I started to regret for like a day that I should have just went with the chest catheter but then it came to me it's already there so might as well go with it.
Nevertheless, I found this waterproof fistula cover on the web, bought it which is actually pretty awesome it covers my fistula well and decreased my self-consciousness in public.
Surfing through the web looking for people around my age and how they're handling dialysis with school, work and social life. Then, I found this website with a community of helpful people, people with years of experience with dialysis, maybe people at my age range and people just started on dialysis.
I've actually been lurking in the website for a while now, reading people's experiences/stories with dialysis and some of them I can really relate too which helps me with what I'm going through at the time. So, one day I thought to
myself, why not become a member of the IHD community ask for advice, share some of my own experiences and struggles with dialysis.
So, here I am introducing to you all who are all over the world but on the same adventure with dialysis.