What do you all think of this policy? Should someone lose their MWF chair time due to noncompliance? What about the patients who come and do what they are supposed to? Should they get preference for better chair times?
I have a lot of patients who miss or shorten treatments. I have tried sending letters home, talking to the patient weekly, explaining the health concerns to them, rearranging schedules, talking about different types of dialysis if HD is the problem, etc. Now I am at a point with a couple patients where I am going to have to switch their chair times to TTS second shift. No one likes that. I hate doing it, but I have a list of patients who come and complete treatments waiting for better chair times. What do you all think of this policy? Should someone lose their MWF chair time due to noncompliance? What about the patients who come and do what they are supposed to? Should they get preference for better chair times?
A reasonable solution would be to give the patient advance warning - "if you continue to leave early or miss treatments, you will lost your MWF chair time". Bonus points if you deliver it in writing and demand they sign an acknowledgement of receiving the warning. This way, you avoid ex post facto consequences, and the patient can make his/her own choice.
Those who do not take the treatment seriously deserve no pity.