Time to get pumped up!
I'm up to 19 different exercises, most with relatively low weights, 90 minutes per session, 3 x per week.And when I'm finished I have an ice cold protein shake. 1--Leg Extensions 2--Leg Curls 3--Machine Butterflys 4--Seated Rear Lateral Raise 5--Wide Grip Pulldowns 6--Seated Cable Rows 7--Machine Incline Bench Press 8--Machine Military Press 9--Hip Adductors10--Hip Abductors11--Single Arm Dumbbell Rows12--Dumbbell Concentration Curls13--Tricep Pushdowns14--Dumbbell Lateral Raises15--Alternate Arm Front Dumbbell Raises16--Straight Arm Pulldowns17--Two Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows18--Dumbbell Shrugs19--Lower Back Hyperextensions