So, I finally have the results from my two year (and three month; she's not on the ball, my LDC) post-donation tests. I've also included the one year results in purple.
BP 131/78
(120/76)Hb 117g/dl (I'm assuming that's 11.7g/dl otherwise it's very much increased since last year!)
(12.1g/dl)WBC 8.6
(7.0)Plt 293
(209)Na 138mmol/l
140mmol/lK 4.4mmol/l
(4.7mmol/l)ALT 20u/l
(I don't think I was tested for this last year)Urea 7.4mmol/l
(5.3mmol/l)Creatinine 60μmol/l (0.68 in AmeriSpeak)
(76umol/l)GFR >60
(79)No blood or protein in urine dipstick and all other urine tests normal
The recommendations at the bottom (this is the letter which is sent to my GP) states that my blood pressure only just falls into the category for LKDs. *sigh* ... my blood pressure has always been so perfect. My Full Blood Count bloods Red Blood Count is 3.78 so falls just below the normal range, as does my Haematocrit which is 0.345. They'd like these repeated the next time I'm visitng my GP. *another sigh*
Other than that I think I'm in fairly good health.