Ruth, I truly hope you & Cas get NxStage in your country. We have been doing NxStage for over 2years now and it has been a great option for us both. John (Dialysor) reaps the rewards and I reap the breathers from time to time. We hope to go to Virgina Beach mid -October (please pray we can do it). We go to Fri. night HS football games to watch Grandson play trumpet in the Band and rally for the team. Great bunch of kids at that school. They are really respectful toward John and they take good care of him and I both. Seriously!
The thing about this type of home therapy is you are in control of your health. John is prescribed 3 days on & 2 off. If there is a change in schedule where we want to go somewhere or do something, we just change it. Also, a month or so ago, John had done his 3 days but over did it on his intake, so I just hung bags and dialysised him a 4th day. He wasn't particularly happy about that, but he knows he has to do his part. I can't take any chances with his health. Not going to! The point Im trying to convey, is that we can do this if we want. No one overlooking our every move. We have labs once a month, and they reflect good results. If we had been in-center, we would not be able to enjoy the things that we have enjoyed.
You work it around your schedule, and that to me is just great! I do him every evening after work. I can do things around the house if need be while he is on the machine (taped down for security), but most time, Im right there in bed laying beside him. Im so Blessed to have him, I mean that sincerely! I hate this for him, but you know, it is for a reason and God is on His Throne. I refuse to stress about it. I use to, but not going to do it anymore. I want to spend every precious moment with this Man I married, and NxStage affords me that luxury!!!!
God Bless,