Poppy - just got onto this thread and wanted to put in a couple of comments.
a) you're awesome - I'd be lucky to have a wife like you!!! heck even a female friend with such an awesome sense of humour and way with words... oh wait, you are my virtual friend (WOOHOO!)
b) From my perspective as the transplantee your feelings seem quite normal. You know I was just filling my pillbox the other day and thinking "wow, am I really down to this level now?" and somehow feeling like I should be taking more drugs (!) or something. I, too, have this nagging feeling come and go that somehow I'm taking it too easy somehow, or not doing enough for my kidney or something... but the labs continue to be very stable and I continue to eat and drink crap (
) and cherish every single day with my wonderful gift - but the back of my mind always reminds me "it could all be over in a flash" so it definitely keeps in my mind how wonderful each day is.
c) Seems like Blokey's creat goes up and down a bit on a regular basis and that may just be his "normal" - obviously it's all about trends if it goes up and continues to go up - that's a concern.. it goes up, then comes back down, then bounces around a bit - that's probably ok (since every test is going to deviate by a certain degree due to time of day bloods are taken, diet, exercise etc... the numbers can vary a little bit). The important thing is that the docs are keeping it in check and not letting things get out of control. I'm in Blokey's camp that I would have not taken the 2 months and requested maybe 6 weeks or something - just for my own peace of mind. I'm certainly done that down here a number of times this year.
and finally, though this is not the thread, but so wondering... any sign or news of beloved Mog?