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Author Topic: baxter vent  (Read 4237 times)
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« on: October 25, 2012, 09:54:19 AM »

It is  12:46pm.  the baxter lady called yesterday to say my delivery will be between 8-11am.  I said great, that way I can get to work around 1130 or 12.  Well I happened to call baxter to get a more specific time, if possible, and they tell me, "oh, you're scheduled for a midday drop off.  so they will be at your house around  12pm!"  ::) ::) ::)  o.k. he apologized for the miscommunication, and then says to expect a delivery between 1130 and 1pm.  ::) ::)
So I have been sitting here pretty much all day dressed and waiting for this baxter delivery. had they given me accurate time frames, I might have been able to go to work, come back home, and then go back to work even!  I truly hope that this is not what delivery days will be like.  I have a job!! that i'd like to keep! and my husband does too! and it's bad enough that we have to wait through a 3 hr time frame, but at least give me the right daggone time frame!!!
it is now approaching 1pm, and no delivery.  I think I may go on to work and have him put the boxes on my porch. more work for my husband when he gets home.

i'm really disliking baxter today.
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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 12:06:13 PM »

Been there done that. And its an added reason why I dont work and do dialysis.
 You could tell them they are not to come after a certain time frame. I dont work, but I have things to do and need to get done. I called them and told them they have to be here no later then noon. (One day I had to register my daughter for school) I dont have time to sit around and wait for them!


Check out my Facebook profile for CKD "Help Lisa Spread Awareness for Kidney Disease"

It is my utmost dream and desire to reach out to other kidney patients for them to know that they are not alone in this, also to reach out to those who one day have to go on dialysis though my book i am writing!

dx with lupus nephritis 5/99'
daughter born 11/2005
stage IV CKD 11/2005-6/2007
8/2007- PD cathater inserted
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« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2012, 02:25:54 PM »

If you tell them on the day you order that you need the earliest time possible they can accomodate you. If you ask after that the schedule is set. Be very clear about what you need and why. Don't assume it's in the computer when you order next month. You have to ask each time.
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« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2012, 04:26:50 PM »

It's true that you have to tell people every time what you need. We have Fresenius and have had to tell them several times not to schedule our delivery before 9 (the apartment complex gate opens at 9). I think they finally get it, but who knows what next week will bring! Just keep after them.

Boyfriend diagnosed with renal failure Feb. 2011. Cause unknown.
PD Catheter "installed" June 30, 2011.
Began CAPD August 11, 2011.
On transplant list 11/23/11.
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« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2012, 04:34:32 PM »

I put a note on the order to have the driver call me from the stop before mine. That gives me 30-45 minutes to get home and meet him. It works very well for us. The driver has always been more than accommodating to make sure I get that call. In fact, the one time the note somehow didn't make it to the delivery form, he called anyway because he knew how we worked the deliveries. All in all, they have been really good.

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« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2012, 04:40:27 PM »

Well, this was the first delivery. I guess there is bound to be a problem or two.  I like the idea of having them call maybe 45 min prior to my delivery.  I'm trying hard to prove to my employer that  I can work and be on dialysis without any problems.  however situations like today really messes things up.  although on a good note, i don't think my manager even realized how late I was today.
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« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 06:31:06 PM »

When I was on home hemo with Nxstage they would leave my supplies at all different times never would call just leave the stuff in the driveway in rain, shine, or snow no matter how many times I would call and complain.

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
   -Walter Bagehot
December 2003 diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy 80% Function.
October 2004 started In-Center Hemo Dialysis Perma-Cath 5% Function.
September 2005 Living Related Donor (Mother) Transplant.
March 2009 Diagnosed CKD and IgA Nephropathy.
August 2009 Upper Left Arm Fistula.
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« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2012, 06:34:31 PM »

Holy crap, MightyMike! What did you do?

Boyfriend diagnosed with renal failure Feb. 2011. Cause unknown.
PD Catheter "installed" June 30, 2011.
Began CAPD August 11, 2011.
On transplant list 11/23/11.
Started Liberty Cycler 12/1/11.
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« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2012, 06:59:22 PM »

Holy crap, MightyMike! What did you do?

He probably had to bring in the soak and wet boxes one at a time. I guess they assumed he needed the exercise :urcrazy; Stupid company

Check out my Facebook profile for CKD "Help Lisa Spread Awareness for Kidney Disease"

It is my utmost dream and desire to reach out to other kidney patients for them to know that they are not alone in this, also to reach out to those who one day have to go on dialysis though my book i am writing!

dx with lupus nephritis 5/99'
daughter born 11/2005
stage IV CKD 11/2005-6/2007
8/2007- PD cathater inserted
9/2007- revision of PD Cathater
10/2007 started PD
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« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2012, 07:03:54 PM »

it is possible to specify the time slot that works for you. I did that when I wason PD

ESRD 22 years
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« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2012, 08:35:50 AM »

I haven't even started using the Baxter machine.  I'm training on the Ultrabag, and Baxter already calls me everyday, with a recording, telling me it's time to re-order.  Give me a break.
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wedding 12-10-11

« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2012, 10:23:50 AM »

I haven't even started using the Baxter machine.  I'm training on the Ultrabag, and Baxter already calls me everyday, with a recording, telling me it's time to re-order.  Give me a break.

OHHHH i know. Imagine being on dialysis and them doing that for years. Ugh. I changed my number at one point and refused to give them my new number. I think its insulting to keep reminding me like that. One lady refused to stop the calls and said that if I ordered right away then they wont have to call me. UGH. Im busy, I dont need a reminder.

Ask them to take you off the tickler

Check out my Facebook profile for CKD "Help Lisa Spread Awareness for Kidney Disease"

It is my utmost dream and desire to reach out to other kidney patients for them to know that they are not alone in this, also to reach out to those who one day have to go on dialysis though my book i am writing!

dx with lupus nephritis 5/99'
daughter born 11/2005
stage IV CKD 11/2005-6/2007
8/2007- PD cathater inserted
9/2007- revision of PD Cathater
10/2007 started PD
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