Charlie B53
« on: June 22, 2015, 03:14:17 AM » |
4 a.m. my Cycler started beeping to wake me up. It wasn't the three beep signal for me to change position because of poor flow, this noise wouldn't stop until I hit the stop button. Turned on the light and immediately saw that the heater bag was totally flat, empty. Bag two was fat and full, intouched. Bag three, the Ico was drained empty.
This isn't right.
No error code to look up so I had to call Baxter. The Lady immediately asked me what COLOR shut-off clamps are on which bags.
Red on one, the heater. Blue on two and White on the Ico. WRONG
I've been doing this to a hair over two years. I ALWAYS connect the hoses according to their position on the caddy. I never even noticed that the shut-off clamps were different colors.
I can honestly say I never even LOOKED at the colors of the hose caps as I have always followed their position in the caddy.
So I have learned something today. PAY ATTENTION Look at the shut-off clamps as I connect the hoses. They should be just like the American flag. Red, White, and Blue.
The Lady had me turn off the Cycler and turn it back on so I could manually get it to End Treatment, open the door and remove the cassette.
When I get up later this morning I will have to manually drain and fill with a fresh bag of Ico. The Ico that is in me now is mixed with the dextrose of bag one. I'll dump bag two down the drain. I won't even try to cap it off and use it later as I wouldn't want the chance of any bacteria contamination the fitting and later me.
So any of you also using the Cycler. Remember, Red, White, and Blue. As it is possible for the lines to be in the wrong position on the caddy.
Two years, and I am still learning. At least this one didn't cause a trip to the Hospital!
Take Care,
Charlie B