He has made peace with his situation and realised that there are some things not worth getting "sick" over.
Quote from: krismimo on March 05, 2012, 06:15:46 PM He has made peace with his situation and realised that there are some things not worth getting "sick" over. This is a huge step forward. Once you reach the point where you truly believe that that chocolate covered banana with cream and nuts on top just isn't worth the risk, you've pretty much won the battle.My husband is a Seinfeld fan, and he is always quoting that stupid show. I've seen very few episodes, but one I DID see was the one where Elaine's contraceptive sponge of choice was no longer being manufactured, so she went out and bought up the remaining stock. Then she had to decide if an intimate encounter with a particular guy was "sponge-worthy." So, I always have to decide if some tasty morsel is "phosphorus worthy", and frankly, the answer is usually "no". (Although the answer is always "yes" if there are oysters fried in cornmeal and/or black-eyed peas involved.)