I get copies of all bloodwork. her latest numbers are hemoglobin 8,RBC 2.89,BUN 50, creatinine 4.09, eGFR 13.52. this was on 10/16/11 She is having blood work again tomorrow.The dr felt her neurological condition would deteriote but we spent a week at NIH and talked to the docs there who said it would not. I had a talk with our doc and he knows how I feel. Just afraid he will not follow through with it. My daughter does understand most but not all. I have been explaining bits and pieces to her. she does get the iron infusions and have told her it's kinda like that which she has no problem with that.Most kids with Joubert Syndrome who are going to develop kidney failure do so at an early age. She is one of the oldest to deal with this.Don't feel like you are intruding at all. my daughter loves music and knows most of the songs out there be it country or rock n roll. She loves spanish since around 11 yrs. old. Very very polite, not sure where that came from , Wish my sons would take after her there. She works with other handicapped people 4 days a week and loves it. She just enjoys her life even though it's more "quiet" than ours and more laid back but I feel I have to give her this chance at dialysis and take it from there.thanks