Hello all ,Sorry but I am about to vent my spleen here!!!!
I am Rich's partner. He is on APD and has been for 2 years. He has rubbish function in both kidneys and 5 weeks ago had fistula created to start Haemo ASAP. Thing is.... we want to do Home haemo. We know that we or rather I will be trained for this, his fistula had to be done in his dominant arm. I was going to do all the stuff for him anyway but that really cemented the situation.
Now here's the thing. We are being told that home haemo (HHD) is "just in it's infancy" in our region. We are also being told that"Oh, someone has dangled a carrot in front of you!!" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
We are being told that we should ask to be trained from the outset but to have HHD is a long way off. !!!!!!
I'm sorry but I'm afraid Rich may not live that long!!!!!!!!! I am doing all the research I can at the moment to point out the advantages of HHD and will write to the head of renal at our hospital, then I will go to MP's and beyond to get home haemo for Rich. We satisfy all the critera neede for homeHD.
Oh and we were also told that HHD is brilliant in Manchester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Google that). What are we supposed to do? Move?
Sorry, I am ranting. I need to know if HHD is an impossible goal. is there anyone out ther who has had a similar problem?