thank you all so much for the warm welcome back! texasstyle is right, there is still some good living in between. hubby is starting to feel better and his labs are good. we have 2 possible donors, even if not, the fact they were willing and excited to even be tested is good enough. just that in itself, wow!
it has been so hot here of late and the rain keeps going around us. we had a visit last night from a young amish friend who left home to see the world last year. we didn't recognize him! we don't get many visitors, maybe few times a year now. was a good evening.
as i am sitting here drinking coffee this morning trying to wake up, i want to say that that the first year was a nightmare. never should have happened if we'd had better docs. oh what i'd do differently if i could go back. but for the grief stages, i believe we are now to the acceptance part where we quit feeling like the steam roller was going over us, to where we have schooled ourselves and gotten adjusted to this "New Normal". this has made all the difference is how we cope.
i had times i never thought we'd make it to this point.
now yesterday we went to town to run errands and it was packed due to holiday. hubby made it around good in spite of the hustle. so did i and i didn't complain to myself or feel sorry, just did it and accepted it. with a smile no less.
when we were going through all this everyone kept saying "it will get better", because no one really knew what the underlying medical issue was. i truly believe the docs he has now saved his life.
before he ever had the first meeting to the new clinic, he was nervous and the docs, both of them, called him at home twice to reassure him. you could hear the wife and kids in the background. they talked to him for an hour. now how common is that? along with his new docs, we have had 2 of the best surgeons and others and if we'd only got them the first go round!
but, somehow we have made it to the other side and are coming out of it alive. we found we are more resilient than we ever thought, and have the ability to fight back and at times Just Do It.
and if we ever get back to working the rig someday, we have a renewed compassion for patients and caregivers. nothing like going through it to bring it home.
thank you all so much,