Out Of Options Thursday, Jan 11, 2007 - 05:21 PM
Karen Schradin
WSAV News 3
It has been a week since Reyna's last dialysis treatment and a local advocacy group says she could die at any time. "By the time this is broadcasted she might be dead. Because of this confusion, because of the bureaucratic incompetence because of using these people who contribute so much as political pawns."," says Mariella Orellana of the Latino Crisis Hotline.
The advocacy group is asking Governor Sonny Perdue to add a waiting period to an immigration healthcare law to give people like Reyna time to find other care. They say more than one hundred people have left Georgia in the last few weeks because of the law, and many of them will die. Our call to the Governor Perdue's office has not been returned yet.
Mariella says, "The bodies of Georgia residents, both legal and not, are starting to pile up. Mexican hospitals are getting overwhelmed with these medical repatriations of immigrant workers from all over the United States, including from Savannah. Add to that, employers that cannot or will not provide basic health care insurance to any worker, American or not. Reyna Vazquez and her baby were never given health insurance by their Georgia employers, and she should die because of that? No, but she is. Governor, we are asking for a moratorium on this Georgia immigration law, a temporary life-boat, of sorts. Governor. We need to buy some time and you are the only one that can sell it. We need time to figure out a well-planned repatriation strategy for these Georgia residents. Yes, Georgia residents. If you want them out of our emergency rooms the only alternative today, is for a moratorium, so that we, the medical care teams, can take a breath and do what needs to be done."
Reyna's husband, Louis works in construction. Reyna worked full-time too, and Mariella says they paid cash for medical care until Reyna's condition became severe.
To contact the Latino Crisis Hotline call 238-3409. Mariella has a private insurance company which will insure illegal immigrants and anyone without insurance. For more information about affordable private insurance contact Ann Johnson 897-4818. She and Mariella work with the Savannah Poverty Initiative to help any residents find affordable healthcare.