We recently moved closer to my husbands job and living in an apartment. I am super considerate of others and I hate making noise in the middle of the night. I can hear my neighbors cough/sneeze so I know they hear that alarm. My Liberty cycler alarms 3-4 times on averg per night. After the 1st alarm I lay awake 1/2 the night making sure that I dont roll over etc to make it go off again. I called the company and there is no way to "hack" turn down the volume lower than 1. Who needs alarm lvl 4 if lvl 1 wakes up the entire building. I cut a box and placed it over the unit and then added 2 heavy blankets......problem solved.....well, until the last fill and the solution/machine overheated and made me shut down everything and advised me to call service.
So, now I am on the hunt to find a quieter machine or better solution to my alarm volume problem. Seriously, am I the only one(per customer support) that has an issue with the volume on this thing? Why can't lvl 1 be a little peep and then goes up from there. I'm about ready to remove the screws and find that alarm box and quiet it myself.